Phos hilaron

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Phos hilaron (Greek Φῶς Ἱλαρόν, "cheerful light") is an early Christian hymn of Christ . It can be traced back to the middle of the 2nd century and in the Vespers liturgy of the Byzantine rite . It can also be found as a Vesper hymn in the prayer of the hours of the Roman Catholic Church . It is also part of the Old Catholic and Anglican celebration of the Evensong (here e.g. in the translation by William Storey : O radiant light or from the American Book of Common Prayer from 1979, O gracious light ).


Original Greek text Transliteration German translation ( GL 660) English translation

 Φῶς ἱλαρὸν ἁγίας δόξης ἀθανάτου Πατρός,
οὐρανίου, ἁγίου, μάκαρος, Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ,

ἐλθόντες ἐπὶ τὴν ἡλίου δύσιν, ἰδόντες φῶς ἑσπερινόν,
ὑμνοῦμεν Πατέρα, Υἱόν, καὶ ἅγιον Πνεῦμα, Θεόν.

Ἄξιόν σε ἐν πᾶσι καιροῖς ὑμνεῖσθαι φωναῖς αἰσίαις,
Υἱὲ Θεοῦ, ζωὴν ὁ διδούς · διὸ ὁ κόσμος σὲ δοξάζει.

 Phôs hilaròn hagías dóxēs,
athanátou Patrós,
ouraníou, hagíou,
mákaros, Iēsoû Christé,

elthóntes epì tḕn hēlíou dýsin,
idóntes phôs hesperinón,
hymnoûmen Patéra, Hyión,
Theaìón, kaìón.

Áxión se en pâsi kairoîs
hymnîsthai phōnaîs aisíais,
Hyiè Theoû, zoḕn ho didoús,
diò ho kósmos sè doxázei.

Cheerful light from the glorious splendor of
your immortal, holy, blessed heavenly Father:
Jesus Christ,
all creatures glorify you.

See, we come when the sun is
setting , we greet the friendly light of the evening , we
sing in hymns to God the Father , we
sing to the Son and the Holy Spirit.

You are worthy that we celebrate you
at all times with holy songs,
Christ, Son of God, Bringer of Life:
The whole earth praises you.

O radiant light, O sun divine
Of God the Father's deathless face,
O image of the light sublime
That fills the heav'nly dwelling place.

O Son of God, the source of life,
Praise is your due by night and day;
Our happy lips must raise the strain
Of your esteemed and splendid name.

Lord Jesus Christ, as daylight fades,
As shine the lights of eventide,
We praise the Father with the Son,
The Spirit blest and with them one.


Lumen hilare
Iucunda lux tu gloriae,
fons luminis de lumine,
beate Iesu caelitus
a Patre sancto prodiens.

Fulgor diei lucidus
solisque lumen occidit,
et nos ad horam vesperam
te confitemur cantico.

Laudamus unicum Deum,
Patrem potentem, Filium
cum Spiritu Paraclito
in Trinitas gloria.

O digne linguis qui piis
lauderis omni tempore,
Fili Dei, te saecula
vitae datorem personent. Amen.

The text Lumen hilare is not a translation of the Greek original, but a rewrite in Ambrosian stanzas (stanzas made up of four lines, each of which consists of two iambic dimensions ). This allows the text to be sung according to well-known hymn melodies of the Gregorian chant , e.g. B. like Veni creator spiritus or God, holy creator of all stars .


The classic Armenian text from the Zhamagirk ' (Ժամագիրք), the Armenian book of hours is:

Ալէլուիա Ալէլուիա: Լոյս զուարթ սուրբ փառաց անմահի Հաւր. երկնաւորի սրբոյ կենարարի ՅՍՈՒՍ ՔՐԻՍՏՈՍ: Եկեալքս ի մտանել արեգականն, տեսաք զլոյս երեկոյիս: Աւրհնեմք զՀայր եւ զՈրդի եւ զսուրբ Հոգիդ Աստուծոյ: Եւ ամենեքեան ասեմք Ամէն: Արժանաւորեա զմեզ յամենայն ժամ. աւրհնել ձայնիւ երգով զանուն փառաց ամենասուրբ Երրորդութեանդ: Որ տայ զկենդանութիւն վասնորոյ եւ աշխարհ զքեզ փառաւորէ:

A reconstructed transliteration into modern Armenian pronunciation reads as follows:

Alēlouia Alēlouia. Louys zvart 'sourb p'aṟats' anmahi hayr yerknawori srbo kenarari Hisous K'ristos. Yekyalk's i mtanel aregakanɘn tesak 'ɘzlouys yerekoyin. Orhnemk 'ɘzhayr yev zordi yev ɘzsourb hogi astoutso. Yev amenek'yan asemk 'amîn. Arzhanavorya ɘzmez hamenayn zham orhnel dzayniv yergov zanoun p'aṟats' amenasourb errordout'yanɘd. Before ta ɘzkendanout'youn vasnoro yev ashkharh ɘzk'ez p'aṟavorē.

Translated this means: “The light of joy of holy glory of the immortal, holy, blessed heavenly Father: Jesus Christ. When the sun sets, we watch the vesper light, sing in hymns to the one God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. You are worthy that we celebrate you at all times with holy songs, Son of God, original source of life, so the cosmos glorifies you. "


ნათელო მხიარულო წმიდისა დიდებისა უკვდავისა მამისა ზეცათასა. წმიდისა ნეტარისაო იესო ქრისტე. მოსრულნი დასვლასა მზისასა მხილველნი ნათლისა სამწუხროსა ვაქებთ მამასა, და ძესა, და წმიდასა სულსა ღმერთსა. ღირსმცა-ხარ ყოველსა ჟამსა გალობად შენდა ხმითა ტკბილითა ძეო ღმრთისაო ცხოვრების მომცემელო, რომლისათვისცა ყოველი სოფელი შენ გადიდებს.
Natelo mkhiarulo, ts'midisa didebisa ukvdavisa Mamisa zetsatasa. Ts'midisa netarisao Ieso Kriste. Mosrulni dasvlasa mzizasa mkhilvelni natlisa samts'ukhroisa vacates Mamasa, da Dzesa da Ts'midasa Sulsa Ghmertsa. Ghirsmtsa-khar qʼovelsa zhamsa galobad shenda khmita t'k'bilita Dzeo Ghmrtisao tskhovrebis momtsemelo, romlisatvisaca q'oveli sopheli shen gadidebs.

Church Slavonic

Old Church Slavonic

тихꙑи свѧтꙑѧ славꙑ беꙁсъмрьтнаего отьца свѣте
небесьнаего свѧтаего блаженнаего іисꙋсе христе
пришедъше на ꙁападъ слъньца видѣвъше свѣтъ вечерьнꙑи
поемъ отьца сꙑна и свѧтаего дꙋха бога
достоинъ еси во вьсѧ времена пѣтъ бꙑти гласꙑ преподобьнꙑми
сꙑне божии животъ даѧи тѣмъже миръ тѧ славитъ

Russian Church Slavonic

The title (in red) translates as "The Work of Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem." 'The Work of Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem'

An image of the same text.

Творе́нїе сѡфро́нїа патрїа́рха і҆ерусали́мскагѡ.
вѣте тихїй свѧтыѧ славы, ѻ҆тца безсмертнагѡ
небеснагѡ, свѧтагѡ блаженнагѡ, і҆исусе христѐ:
пришедше на западъ солнца, видѣвше свѣтъ вечернїй,
поемъ ѻ҆тца, сына, и҆ свѧтагѡ духа, бога.
достоинъ є҆сѝ во всѧ̑ времена пѣтъ быти гласы преподобными,
сыне божїй, животъ даѧй: тѣмже міръ тѧ славитъ.

The transliteration in modern Russian letters: Свете Тихий святыя славы, безсмертнаго Отца небеснаго, святаго блаженнаго, Иисусе Христе: пришедше на запад солнца, видевше свет вечерний, поем Отца, Сына, и Святаго Духа, Бога. Достоин еси во вся времена пет быти гласы преподобными, Сыне Божий, живот даяй: темже мир тя славит.


Hungarian Greek Catholic Church

Enyhe világossága, a szent és boldog, és halhatatlan mennyei Atya isteni dicsőségének, Jézus Krisztus! Eljövén a Napnak lenyugvásához és látván az esteli fényt; áldjuk az Atyát sa Fiút, és a Szentlélek Istent! Mert te méltó vagy, hogy minden időben, szent hangon énekeljünk tenéked, Isten fia, ki éltet adsz a világnak; miért is ez a világ dicsőít téged.


Korean Orthodox Church

거룩 하시고 영원 하신 하느님 아버지 의 화사한 빛 이신 예수 그리스도 시여. 우리 는 지는 해 를 향하여 석양 을 보며, 성부 와 성자 와 성령 이신 하느님 을 찬송 하나이다. 언제나 즐거운 마음 으로 주님 을 찬양 함 이 마땅 하도다. 생명 을 주시는 하느님 예수 그리스도 시여, 그러므로 모든 세상 은 주님 께 영광 을 바치 나이다.

Korean Anglican Church

은혜로운 빛 이여, 하늘 에 계시 며 영원 하신 성부 의 찬란한 빛 이여, 거룩 하시고 복 되시 도다. 주 예수 그리스도 여! 해 저무는 이 때에, 우리 는 황혼 빛 을 바라보며, 주님 께 찬양 의 노래 를 부르나 이다. 하느님, 성부 성자 성령 이여! 주님 은 언제나 찬양 받으시기 에 합당 하시오 니, 생명 을 주시는 하느님 의 성자 여, 온 세상 으로부터 영광 받으 소서.


Lusitan Church (Anglican Communion)

Avé, alegre luz, puro esplendor
da gloriosa face paternal,
Avé, Jesus, bendito Salvador,
Cristo ressuscitado e imortal.

No horizonte o sol já declinou,
brilham da noite as luzes cintilantes:
ao Pai, ao Filho, ao Espírito de amor
cantemos nossos hinos exultantes.

De santas vozes sobe a adoração
prestada a Ti, Jesus, Filho de Deus.
Inteira, canta glória a criação,
o universo, a terra, os novos céus.


Translation by David Lewis (ap Ceredigion) 1870–1948

O lewyrch wyneb y tragwyddol Dad,
Fendigaid Fab o'r nef,
Crist Iesu, mae gwirionedd Duw a'i rad
Yn eglur ynddo ef.

Yn awr machluda'r haul yn gylch o dân,
Daw'r sêr o un i un;
A Duw - y Tad, y Mab a'r Ysbryd Glân -
Glodforwn yn gytûn.

Tydi sydd deilwng o glodforedd gwiw,
Yn wastad, Arglwydd mawr,
Tydi fo nod a moliant, O Fab Duw,
Drwy gyrrau daear lawr.


أيها النور البهي الممجد القدوس
الآب الذي لا يموت
السماوي ،
أيها القدوس المغبوط
يا يسوع المسيح.
قد بلغنا إلى غروب الشمس إذ
و نظرنا نورا المساء
نسبح الآب و الابن والروح القدس
الإله المستحق في سائر الأوقات
أن يسبح بأصوات بارة
فيا ابن الله المعطي الحياة
إنه من أجلك العالم يمجد


Pogodna światłości Ojca świętej chwały, Nieśmiertelnego Pana niebiosów i ziemi, Jezu Chryste. Pod zachód dzień nam dobiegł cały, I gwiazdę już wieczorną oczami naszymi Oglądamy w niebie, ku czci Twojej, Boże, Ojcze, Synu, i Duchu świętości, śpiewiżniami, Boś godzien jest, oębośłamysi , O wielki Synu Boży, Tyś życia szafarzem, Przeto Ci świat pieśń chwały wdzięcznie składa w darze.

Romanian Orthodox Church

Lumină lină a Sfintei Slave a Tatălui Ceresc, Celui fără de moarte,
A Sfântului, Fericitului, Iisuse Hristoase,
Venind la apusul soarelui, văzând lumina cea de seară, lăudăm pe Tatăl, pe Fiul şi du Vrednic entâl, pe Fiul şi
du Vredea a fi lăudat de glasuri cuvioase, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, pentru aceasta, lumea Te slăveşte.

See also


  • Johannes Markus Ojak: " Cheerful light with a wonderful shine". On the sacramental dimension of light in Vespers. Shown on the basis of selected liturgical texts from the evening Luzenar and on the basis of the general introduction to the Liturgy of the Hours. Vienna 1995 (Vienna, university, diploma thesis, 1995).
  • Benedikt Kranemann : Phos hilaron. In: Siegmar Döpp , Wilhelm Geerlings (Hrsg.): Lexicon of ancient Christian literature. Herder, Freiburg (Breisgau) et al. 1998, ISBN 3-451-23786-5 , p. 506.
  • Peter Plank: ΦΩΣ ΙΛΑΡΟΝ. Christ hymn and light thanksgiving of early Christianity (= Hereditas. Volume 20). Borengässer, Bonn 2001, ISBN 3-923946-54-6 .
  • Frieder Schulz: Lumen Christi: the early church vespers song Phos hilaron. On the western church reception: research - transmission - music version. In: Yearbook for Liturgy and Hymnology . Volume 43, 2004, ISSN  0075-2681 , pp. 11-48.

Individual evidence

  1. by Maria Luise Thurmair, Book of Hours 1978
  2. by William Storey, as used in the Office of the Dead and the Evening Prayer of the Anglican Church
  3. Attila, Gerner: Alkonyati istentisztelet (Vecsernye) .