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The Dimeter is Verslehre of two metrics existing meter . In the dipodischen Versfüßen Jambus , Trochäus and anapaest in which a Metron of two Versfüßen consists corresponds to the four Versfüßen and thus the Quaternary or in German replica of the four jacks , with all other Versfüßen such as the Daktylus the Dimeter has two metrical feet and thus corresponds to the dipody . In metric formula notation , the dimeter has a superscriptd marked.

Examples of dimeters in ancient poetry are:

× —ˌ◡—. × —ˌ◡
× —ˌ◡ — ˌ × —ˌ
—◡ˌ— ×. — ◡ˌ—
  • Catalectic Trochaic Dimeter (tr dc), also known as the colon under the name lekythion :
—◡ˌ— ×. — ◡ˌ
◡◡ —ˌ ◡◡ -. ◡◡ —ˌ ◡◡
Often used by Plautus in Roman comedy .
  • Catalectic Anaesthetic Dimeter (to dc), better known as Parömiakos :
◡◡ —ˌ ◡◡ -. ◡◡ —ˌ
—◡ — ˌ — ◡
× ——ˌ × -

In German poetry was trochaic four jacks used for simulating Roman versification, so by Herder in his paraphrase of the Spanish national epic of the Cid , and worked as a verse of romance stanza popular with the Romantics.

The iambic four-lifter is used in some well-known ballads, for example in Schiller's Lied von der Glocke .
