Pierre-Simon Ballanche

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Bust of Pierre-Simon Ballanches by Jean-Marie Bonnassieux in the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Lyon

Pierre-Simon Ballanche (born August 4, 1776 in Lyon , † June 12, 1847 in Paris ) was a French printer, philosopher and writer.

As the son of a printer, he learned his father's profession from him.

In 1842 the Académie française Ballanche elected to succeed the late writer Alexandre-Vincent Pineux Duval ( armchair 4 ). He himself was followed on January 6, 1848 by the poet Jean Vatout .

Ballanche died eight weeks before his 71st birthday on June 12, 1847 in Paris and found his final resting place in the Montmartre cemetery, the Cimetière de Montmartre .


The Place Ballanche was named after him in his hometown of Lyon .

Works (selection)

Philosophical works
  • Essai de palingénésie sociale . 1820.
  • Essais sur les institutions sociales . 1818.
  • Le vieillard et le jeune homme . 1819.
Work edition
  • Œuvres complètes . Slatkine, Geneva 1967 (reprint of Paris 1833 edition)


  • Jean-Jacques Ampère : Ballanche . Edition René, Paris 1848.
  • Auguste Barchou de Penhoëh: Ballanche et ses œuvres . In: Revue des Deux Mondes, Vol. 2 (1831), pp. 410–456.
  • Jean Philibert Damiron: Essai sur l'histoire de la philosophie en France au 19th siècle . Brussels 1835.
  • Gaston Frainnet: Essai su la philosophie de Pierre-Simon Ballanche . Rey, Lyon 1902 (also dissertation, University of Grenoble).
  • Charles Huit: La vie et les œuvres de Ballanche . Vitté, Lyon 1904.
  • Paul Mesnard: Histoire de l'académie française depuis sa fondation jusqu'en 1830 . Charpentier, Paris 1857.
  • Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve : Portraits contemporains . Levy, Paris 1899 (2 vols., Here especially vol. 2).

Web links