Pierre Charles

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Pierre Charles (born June 30, 1954 in Grand Bay , † January 6, 2004 in Roseau ) was a Dominican politician. From 2000 until his death he was Prime Minister of the Caribbean island.

Charles was a member of the Dominica Labor Party . Before he became Prime Minister, he was a member of the cabinet in a wide variety of functions. Among other things, he had served as Minister of Communications and Minister of Labor. Most recently, he was Foreign Minister Dominicas in the cabinet of Prime Minister Rosie Douglas . Charles was elected to succeed him on October 3, 2000, two days after Douglas' death.

In February 2003, Charles became seriously ill and had to undergo angioplasty . His health raised voices after he stepped down. On the recommendation of his cardiologist, Charles handed over the reins to his deputy, Secretary of State Osborne Riviere , in November 2003 to take a convalescent leave, but officially remained in office.

On January 6, 2004, Charles collapsed and died at the age of 49 in the Princess Margaret Hospital in the Dominican capital, Roseau.