Pierre Chouard

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Pierre Chouard (born October 29, 1903 in Paris , † December 11, 1983 in Paris ) was a French botanist ( plant physiology ). Its botanical author abbreviation is " Chouard ".

Chouard studied at the École Normale Superieure . In 1927 he received his agrégation in natural sciences. In 1932 he became professor at the École nationale supérieure d´Horticulture in Versailles , which he remained until 1935, and from 1938 to 1953 he was professor of agriculture at the Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers. In 1953 he became professor of plant physiology at the Sorbonne (retired 1975). Following the model of an institute in Pasadena, he founded the Phytotron in Gif-sur-Yvette , in which plants are studied under controlled environmental conditions, and was its director. For cost reasons it was discontinued after 20 years. He was the research director of the CNRS .

He mainly dealt with plant blooms and growth hormones.

In 1949/50 he was president of the Société botanique de France and he was a member of the Académie d'agriculture de France and its president in 1978. In 1962 he was significantly involved in the establishment of the national park in the Pyrenees with his friend Henri Gaussen and dealt with the flora of the Pyrenees.

In 1955 he was a founding member and from 1957 to 1959 President of the Société française de physiologie végétale.

From 1955 to 1969 he was president of the lay Catholic organization Société de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul.


  • Aide-mémoire de biologie générale et de biologie végétale 1937
  • Les idées modern sur le mécanisme de la photosynthèse 1941
  • Nutrition de la plan et nutrition du sol 1943
  • La Conservation familiale des fruits, des légumes et des autres denrées alimentaires. Paris, La Maison rustique 1944
  • Pourquoi fleurissent les plantes, Palais de la Découverte, 1949
  • Cultures sans sol, Maison Rustique, 1954
  • Le jardin familial: Légumes, fleurs, fruits, petits élevages. Paris, La Maison rustique 1954
  • Le bon jardinier 1964

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