Pierre Dangeard

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Pierre Jean Louis Dangeard

Pierre Dangeard , full name Pierre Jean-Louis Dangeard (born February 18, 1895 in Poitiers , † August 23, 1970 in Pléneuf-Val-André ) was a French botanist. He was the son of the botanist and mycologist Pierre Clement Augustin Dangeard . Its official botanical author abbreviation is “ PJLDang. ".

Live and act

Pierre Dangeard was born in Poitiers on February 18, 1895. Four years earlier, his father, who came from Caen , had been employed as a professor of botany at the Faculty of Science in Poitiers and the following year, in September 1892, he had married the 20-year-old Henriette Louise Labrosse. Pierre Dangeard was born the second of four children. His older brother Henri died in 1899 at the age of six, so that Pierre was now the eldest of the siblings.

In 1909 the family moved to Paris because the father had got a job at the renowned Academie des Sciences there. Pierre passed his baccalaureate and began studying science, which he graduated with a license in 1914 . From 1915 to 1918 he fought in World War I and was wounded. In 1922 he was made a member of the Legion of Honor . After his military service and recovery, Dangeard resumed his nature studies. He was promoted to Dr. sci. is doing his PhD and published his thesis in his father's magazine.

In October 1924, the year after his doctorate, Pierre Dangeard married Madeleine Colin (1899-1944), who was only a year younger. His daughter Genevieve was born from the marriage. However, his wife died in 1944. Three years later, in March 1947, Pierre Dangeard remarried, namely Anne Marie Coville (1908-1998). From this marriage the son Bernard emerged.

Dangeard stayed in Paris after his doctorate, where he was employed as an assistant at the Faculty of Natural Sciences in 1928, until he was appointed professor at the Faculte des Sciences in Bordeaux in 1932 . Scientifically, Pierre Dangeard specialized in marine algae. On various occasions he took part in marine expeditions carried out by Jean Charcot with the research vessel Pourquoi Pas? were carried out. He probably worked closely with his brother, geologist and oceanographer Louis Dangeard .

After retiring from the Botany Department, Pierre Dangeard lived in Pléneuf-Val-André in Brittany . He died here on August 23, 1970 at the age of 75.

Memberships and honors

Pierre Dangeard was a member of several scientific societies

  • 1922 member of the Légion d'honneur
  • 1929 Prix Montagne
  • 1935 Prix Desmazières Acad. Sci.
  • 1948 correspondent
  • 1948 Corresponding member of the Académie des sciences (1964 membre non résidant )

Writings and collections

In 1947, succeeding his father, Pierre Dangeard took over the editing of the journal Le Botanist .

  • Herbarium and types: in Bordeaux


The fact that father and son Dangeard, as botanists working with algae, both had the same first name, namely Pierre , caused much confusion even among experts. The father foresaw the naming problem and tried to counter it on the occasion of the publication of Pierre Dangeard's doctoral thesis in the journal Le Botaniste , of which he was editor:

" Je suis heureux de présenter aujourd'hui dans cette série 15 you Botaniste un mémoire de mon fils ainé, dont les travaux comme celui-ci ultérieurs porteront la signature Pierre Dangeard , alors que les ont toujours été miens PRESENTES sons la signature PA Dangeard  : de la sorte, aucune confusion ne pourra se produire dans l'esprit des lecteurs. "
(I am pleased to present in this 15th edition of the Botaniste a treatise by my older son whose future work, like this one here, will appear under the name of Pierre Dangeard , while my [own work] will always be under the name of PA Dangeard have been published: in this way there can be no confusion on the part of the reader.)

Individual evidence

  1. Frans A. Stafleu, Erik A. Mennaga (ed.): Taxonomic Literature. A selective guide to botanical publications and collections with dates, commentaries and types. Supplement V: Da-Di. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein 1998, ISBN 3-87429-402-1 .
  2. GeneaNet : Genealogy of the Dangeard Family, French, accessed April 15, 2011
  3. Pierre Dangeard: Recherches de biologie cellulaire. Evolution due système vacuolaire chez les végétaux. In: Le Botaniste , 15th year, issue 1, 1923.
  4. Biodiversity Heritage Library: P.-A. Dangeard (Ed.): Le Botaniste. Facsimile of volumes 1 (1889) - 15 (1923), French, accessed April 19, 2011
  5. Familypedia : genealogy of the family Dangeard, English, accessed 19 April 2011
  6. Vitus Grummann (Ed.): Biographisch-Bibliographisches Handbuch. Cramer-Verlag, teaching 1974, ISBN 3-7682-0907-5 .
  7. ^ Directory of members since 1666: Letter D. Académie des sciences, accessed on November 3, 2019 (French).
  8. Biodiversity Heritage Library: P.-A. Dangeard (Ed.): Le Botaniste. Facsimile of volumes 1 (1889) - 15 (1923), French, accessed April 19, 2011
  9. ^ Pierre Augustin Dangeard: Introduction à la Série XV du Botaniste. In: Le Botaniste , 15th year, booklet 1, p. I, Paris 1923.