Pierre Daniel (d'Orléans)

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Pierre Daniel (* 1530 in Orléans , † 1603 in Paris ) was a French lawyer, philologist and book collector. Thanks to his relationship with the Huguenots , large parts of the manuscript collection were saved when the famous monastery library of the Benedictine Abbey of Fleury ( Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire near Orléans) was plundered in 1562 .


Title page of a medieval manuscript with the ex-libris by Pierre Daniel.

Pierre Daniel came from a respected family of lawyers. His father, François Daniel, was a close friend of Jean Calvin , to whom he entrusted his son of the same name, François, for training in Geneva. Pierre, however, studied in Bourges with Jacques Cujac and was elected lawyer for the merchants of Orléans in 1566. Through contacts between his father and Cardinal Odet de Coligny , he had previously held the position of bailli (secular administrator) of the Benedictine abbey of Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire near Orléans); From 1567 at the latest and probably until the end of his life, he was entrusted with the jurisdiction of Fleury together with his brother François.

The privileged position that gave him access to one of the most important monastery libraries in France, as well as the close contacts to important scholars and publishers of his time, such as Claude Dupuy , Pierre Pithou , François Viète , Joseph Justus Scaliger , Jacques-Auguste de Thou , did not allow him only to build up a valuable collection of manuscripts, but also to write important publications from them. We are informed about the individual processes through a series of letters and philological collections from his estate, which are now in the Burgerbibliothek Bern .

When Pierre Daniel died in 1603, Jacques Bongars , who had been close friends with the Daniel brothers since studying in Orléans and Bourges, and his cousin Paul Pétau bought most of the books from Daniel's heirs for 1,500 livres. The part of the collection acquired by Bongars is now in the Burgerbibliothek Bern, the part acquired by Pétau was dispersed and is now in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris , in the Vatican Apostolic Library as well as in the Leiden University Library and the Orléans City Library . The history of the library of Fleury and its diversification has been illuminated in numerous publications. Incoming with the so-called Membra disiecta, d. H. Corresponding parts of manuscripts that are now in different libraries was the task of Elisabeth Pellegrin in the 1950s to 1980s . She has shown in various studies that these processes can often be associated with Pierre Daniel, who systematically tore rare texts out of the original volumes and made them available to scholars friends for editing projects.


In relation to the size of his studies and the number of manuscripts that Pierre Daniel willingly made available to the scholarly world, he has only completed a few of his own publications. In 1564 he published the so-called Querolus, a comedy by Plautus that is now known as Aulularia. This work was expanded and reissued in 1595. In 1598 a small work on Theodulf von Orléans was published . The Opera omnia of 1599, however, is an error in earlier research. His main work was the edition of the Vergil commentary by the late antique grammarist Maurus Servius Honoratus . The more detailed text version, which has only survived in a few manuscripts, was published in 1600 after long preparatory work and is also known today as Servius Danielis or simply DS. Daniel's Studien zu Petronius , which appeared in Frankfurt in 1610, was only published after his death ; Jacques Bongars contributed the material from the estate.

  • Querolus, antiqua comoedia, nunquam antehac edita, quae in vetusto codice manuscripto Plauti Aulularia inscribitur. Nunc primum a Petro Daniele Aurelio luce donata, et notis illustrata ... Paris 1564. ( digitized version )
  • Plauti Querolus sive Aulularia; ad Camerarii codicem veterem denuo collata. Eadem a Vitale Blesensi elegiaco carmine reddita, et nunc primum publicata. Additae P. Danielis, C. Rittershusii, I. Gryteri notae. Heidelberg 1595. ( digitized version )
  • P. Daniel, Theodulphi Antistitis Floriacensis postea episcopi Aureliaensis Paraenesis ad iudices. Paris 1598. ( digitized version )
  • Pub. Virgilii Maronis Bucolicorum, Eclogae X, Georgicorum, libri IIII, Aeneidos, libri XII: et in ea, Mauri Servii Honorati grammatici commentarii ... / ex bibliotheca Petri Danielis .... Accessit Fabii Planciadis Fulgentii liber de continentia Virgiliana .... Item Iunii Philargyrii commentariolus in Bucolica & Georgica Virgilii ... Paris 1600. ( digitized version )
  • T. Petronii Arbitri, equitis Romani Satiricon, cum Petroniorum fragmentis ,: nouiter ... Ioan Theobaldi Schônvvetteri, excudit Ioannes Bringerus. Helenopolis (= Frankfurt) 1610. ( digitized version )


  • Hermann Hagen: The lawyer and philologist Peter Daniel from Orleans. A literary historical sketch. Bern 1873. (digitized version) , reprinted in:
  • Hermann Hagen: On the history of philology and on Roman literature. Four papers. Berlin 1879, pp. 1–52: The lawyer and philologist Peter Daniel from Orleans ; see. Pp. 53-216: Jacobus Bongarsius . ( Digitized version )
  • Paul de Félice: Etude littéraire et historique sur Pierre Daniel d'Orléans. Orléans 1876. ( digitized version) = translation by Hagen 1873, but with a few new letters.
  • Louis Jarry: Pierre Daniel, avocat au Parlement de Paris et les érudits de son temps d'après les documents inédits de la bibliothèque de Berne: une correspondance littéraire au XVIe siècle . Orléans 1876. ( digitized version )
  • Louis Gabriel Michaud: Biography universal ancienne et modern. Paris, 1855, Volume 10, pp. 103-104. ( Digitized version )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Cod. 141 in the catalog of the Burgerbibliothek Bern
  2. Cod. 450 in the catalog of the Burgerbibliothek Bern
  3. Cod. 189 in the catalog of the Burgerbibliothek Bern
  4. Cod. 673 in the catalog of the Burgerbibliothek Bern
  5. See e.g. B. Karel Adriaan de Meyier: Paul en Alexandre Petau en de geschiedenis van hun manuscripts (voornamelijk op grond van de Petau manuscripts in de Universiteitsbibliotheek te Leiden . Leiden 1947, pp. 91–103. A clear sketch can be found in the exhibition catalog of the Bibliothèque Municipale d'Orléans. Lumières de l'an mil en Orléanais: autour du millénaire d'Abbon de Fleury [exhibition catalog]. Turnhout: Brepols 2004, p. 196.
  6. Elisabeth Pellegrin: Bibliothèques retrouvées: manuscrits, bibliothèques et bibliophiles du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance. Éditions du CNRS, Paris 1988, ISBN 2-222-04097-3 ).
  7. Cf. Burgerbibliothek Bern (ed.): Jacques Bongars, humanist, diplomat, book collector . Bern 2012, ( Passepartout ), ISBN 978-3-7272-1237-6 , pp. 72-75.