Pierre Gaxotte

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Pierre Gaxotte (born November 19, 1895 in Revigny-sur-Ornain , Département Meuse , † November 21, 1982 in Paris ) was a French historian and right-wing journalist.


Gaxotte was the son of a notary, attended the Lycée Henri IV in Paris and from 1917 studied history and philosophy at the École normal supérieure . After graduating in 1920, he was initially a high school teacher in Évreux and Paris , but found access to right-wing intellectual circles through the publisher Artème Fayard . He became Charles Maurras' secretary for three years and went into journalism. From 1924 to 1940 he was editor-in-chief of the weekly Candide in the Fayard publishing house, wrote for the magazine L'Action française by Maurras and was also editor-in-chief of Ric et Rac and from 1930 to 1936 of Je suis Partout of the Fayard publishing house. Although Gaxotte sympathized with the extreme right, he saw National Socialism as a threat to France and increasingly alienated himself from his colleagues at Je suis partout , where he was replaced as editor-in-chief by Robert Brasillach in 1936 . During the occupation by the Germans, he was a supporter of Marshal Pétain , but declined to collaborate. After the Second World War he wrote for Le Figaro and supported the Nouvelle Droite .

He was best known for his historical works, especially for his critical history of the French Revolution (Gaxotte was more of a monarchist position), which first appeared in 1928. He also wrote works on Louis XIV , Louis XV. whom he tried to rehabilitate, Frederick the Great , a French and a German story. His German history, which begins with the sentence The history of Germany is that of an unhappy people and in which he advocated the thesis that the Germans would have been better off in a state of national conflict and that the attempt at national unification would only have brought bad luck to Europe, was in France a bestseller when it appeared in 1963.

Gaxotte became a member of the Académie française in 1953 . In 2007 a historian award was named after him.


  • The French Revolution , Lübbe 1985 (Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung 1949)
    • French original: La Révolution française , Fayard 1928; Revised and improved edition: Fayard, Paris 1962.
  • Louis XV and his century , Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung 1954 (French original: Le Siècle de Louis XV , Paris, Fayard, 1933)
  • Louis XIV - the rise of France in Europe , Lübbe 1982 (and Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung 1951)
  • Louis XIV , Paris, Flammarion, 1974
  • La France de Louis XIV , Hachette 1946
  • Friedrich der Große , Ullstein 1986, 1997 (Propylaeen Verlag 1973, French original Frédéric II , Paris, Fayard 1938)
  • Frédéric II, roi de Prusse , Paris, A. Michel 1967
  • Histoire de France , Paris, Hachette 1960
  • Histoire des Francais , 2 volumes, Flammarion 1951, 1970 (Vol.1 La nuit de temps, Vol.2 La marche de l´ouest)
  • History of Germany and the Germans , 2 volumes, Rombach Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau 1965, 1967 (Translator and editor Carl Rothe , French original Histoire de l´Allemagne , Flammarion 1963, 1985)
  • Naissance de l´Allemagne , R.Cayla 1948
  • Le nouvel igénu: histoire véritable , Fayard 1972
  • Apogée et chute de la royauté , Paris, J. Tallandier, 6 volumes 1973, 1980 (Vol. 1 1661–1682, Vol. 2 1682–1715, Vol. 3 1715–1750, Vol. 4 1750–1774, Vol. 5 1774–1789, Vol. 6 1789–1799)
  • L'Académie française , Paris, Hachette 1965
  • Versailles que j'aime , 1958
  • Mon village et moi , Paris, Flammarion 1968
  • Thèmes et variations , Fayard 1957 (new edition as Aujourd'hui 1965)
  • La Marquise et moi , Editions du Rocher, Monaco, Paris 1986
  • La purgatoire , Fayard 1982
  • La France en face de l'Allemagne, articles, formules et réflexions , Fayard 1940
  • Paris au XVIIIe siècle , Paris, Arthaud, 1968, 1982
  • Les autres et moi , Paris, Flammarion, 1975
  • Le blasphème du professeur Piton , Paris, Fayard, 1977

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Munzinger archive
  2. Groupement de recherche et d'études pour la civilization européenne (Grece)
  3. Discussion of his history in Germany in Spiegel 1963