Pierre Molinier

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Pierre Molinier (born April 13, 1900 in Agen , France , † March 3, 1976 in Bordeaux , France ) was a French painter , photographer and object artist .

Molinier was born in Agen and lived in Bordeaux until his death. He began his career as a landscape painter , but soon fetishistic eroticism became the focus of his work.

life and work

Molinier began taking photos at the age of 18. When Molinier's sister died in 1918, he was left alone with her to photograph her. “She wore her first communion dress with black stockings. I stroked her legs a little. I sat on her and came on my stomach - dead. She was very beautiful, even in death. And then, just like that, the best of me went with her. (Original: On l'avait habillée en communiante et elle avait des bas noirs. Je lui ai caressé les jambes, un peu. Ça me faisait un effet! ... Alors, je m'étais mis sur elle et j'ai joui sur son ventre, morte. Elle était jolie, quand même; elle était très jolie, même morte. Et alors, comme ça, le meilleur de moi est parti avec elle.) "

Molinier began his erotic art around 1950. With the help of numerous custom-made props - dolls, various prostheses , high heels , dildos - and the occasional confidante, Pierre Molinier focused primarily on his own body as a tool and constructive form for his extensive photographic work. Most of his photographs and photomontages are portraits of himself as a woman. He began to write André Breton and sent him photographs of his pictures. André Breton later accepted him into the group of surrealists . Breton organized an exhibition of Molinier's work in Paris in 1956.

Pierre Molinier's enigmatic photographs have influenced European and North American representatives of body art since the 1970s; including Jürgen Klauke , Cindy Sherman and Ron Athey . Molinier's works continue to influence artists, critics and art collectors today.

When Molinier's health deteriorated in the 1970s, at the age of 75, like his father before him, he committed suicide using a gun.


Books by and with Pierre Molinier

  • Molinier, Pierre: Cent photographies érotiques , Paris, Obliques, 1979.
  • Molinier, Pierre - Le chaman et ses créatures , Bordeaux: William Blake & Co., 1995, 96 p. (Preface by Pierre Molinier, introduction by Roland Villeneuve, photomontages, drawings and reproductions of paintings)
  • Molinier, Pierre: The shaman and his creatures. With a text by Roland Villeneuve , translated from the French by Anja Lazarowicz, Munich, Paris, London, 1995, ISBN 3-88814-775-1


  • Borde, Raymond / Breton, André: Pierre Molinier , Paris, Terrain Vague, 1964.
  • Gorsen, Peter: Pierre Molinier, lui-même , Munich, 1972, ISBN 3-920802-95-0
  • Buyer, Birgit: The obsession of the doll in photography: Hans Bellmer, Pierre Molinier, Cindy Sherman , Bielefeld, 2006, ISBN 3-89942-501-4
  • Mercié, Jean-Luc: Molinier, Pierre , translated from the French by Charles Penwarden, Dijon, 2010, ISBN 978-2-84066-338-6
  • Pierre Molinier , (Catalog essays by Wayne Baerwaldt, Peter Gorsen and Scott Watson), Winnipeg, MB, 1993, ISBN 0-921381-10-7
  • Pierre Molinier - the fetishes of travesty: photographic works 1965 - 1975 , edited by Gerhard Fischer and Peter Gorsen. Vienna, 1989, ISBN 3-900911-01-0
  • Petit, Pierre: Molinier, une vie d'enfer , Paris: Editions Ramsay / Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 1992, 267 p., 86 ill. (Biography in French) and Kyoto: Jimbun Shoin, 2000, 300 p., 86 ill. (Translation in Japanese)
  • Petit, Pierre: Pierre Molinier et la tentation de l'Orient , Bordeaux: Opales / Pleine Page éditeurs, 2005, 64 p., 24 ill.
  • Oudin, Alain Molinier: une vie magique , Paris Edition en ligne Enseigne-des-oudin, 2006, 205 pp.
  • Moi, Petit Vampire de Molinier (Interview de Michelle Sesquès. Introduction et notes de Pierre Petit), Editions Monplaisir, 2012, 76 p., 1 ill.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Pierre Chaveau: Entretien avec Pierre Chaveau 1972 (texts + Enregistrement sur CD audio). Bordeaux: Editions Opales / Pleine Page, 2003. P. 64