Pierre Parlebas

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Pierre Parlebas (1999)

Pierre Parlebas (born February 19, 1934 in Paris ) is a sports teacher, sports sociologist and sports philosopher at the Sorbonne .

After graduating from high school in Auteuil , he studied sport at ENSEP (école normal supérieure d'éducation physique) from 1955 to 1958 and graduated with a physical education teacher exam . While working as a physical education teacher in Paris, he continued his studies, so that he was a teacher at ENSEP from 1965 to 1973 and the first to be granted researcher status. From 1974 on, he taught at the INS (Institut national du sport), which soon became a sports university especially for competitive athletes and coaches as INSEP (Institut national du sport, de l'expertise et de la performance). Here, too, he continued his studies in parallel, doing his doctorate and habilitation (Docteur d'État) (for social sciences and mathematics) in 1984 as the first sports teacher at the Sorbonne, where he was appointed professor from 1985, but continued at INSEP as an external examiner for Sports theory of a wide variety of competitive athletes was.

He worked for a long time as the founding dean of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of the Sorbonne , headed the Scientific Commission of the Fédération internationale d'éducation physique (FIEP) from 1980 to 2014 and was the director of the CEMEA (Center d'entraînement aux méthodes d'éducation active ).

His theories

Based on the psychomotor significance of sport, he has set up a system of praxeology in sport in which each sport (discipline) can be represented on a maximum of three coordinates: Individual ( assigned to psychomotor skills ) or team ( assigned to socio-motor skills ); Presence of partner (s) (= P) or opponent (s) (= A); Uncertainty due to surroundings / playing field (= I). Football is now a PA sport (without I, since the football pitches are standardized).

In general, there is a tendency to standardize sports more and more, which means that more and more new trend sports are emerging in the opposite direction , which counteract the standardization by dealing with nature . Parlebas is part of a long tradition of French sports educators who pursue a sociological and psychomotor approach and was therefore attacked by Jean-Marie Brohm , who, as a sports sociologist, accused him of not answering the important questions of sport and sports education, namely which conclusions on the Allow society to have such an understanding of sport and the body.



  • Pierre Parlebas: Éléments de sociologie du sport. Pr. Univ. de France, Paris 1986, ISBN 2-13-039299-7 .
  • Pierre Parlebas: Jeux, sports et sociétés, lexique de praxéologie motrice. Editions INSEP Paris, Coll. Research, 1999. ISBN 2865801039
  • Pierre Parlebas: Sociologie du sport, en France aujourd'hui. Presses Univ. de France, Paris 2002, ISBN 2-13-053289-6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Arnd Krüger , Roland Naul: Geturniert wart den Sumer vil ... "- Theory and practice of traditional forms from athletics and movement games. In: Ulrich Becker (Hrsg.): Leichtathletik im Lebenslauf. Meyer & Meyer, Aachen 1994, ISBN 3 -89124-200-X , pp. 3395-3400.
  2. Réflexion sur la place du sport dans l'éducation: l'exemple de l'Agence Pour l'Education par Le Sport (APELS)
  3. JM Brohm: La tyrannie sportive. Théorie critique d'un opium du peuple. Beauchesne, Paris 2006, ISBN 2-7010-1495-6 .