Piet Steenkamp

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Piet Steenkamp (1971)

Petrus Antonius Josephus Maria (Piet) Steenkamp (born March 8, 1925 in Uithoorn , † January 8, 2016 in Eindhoven ) was a Dutch politician . He is generally regarded as the spiritual father of the CDA .

After completing his degree in economics at Tilburg University , Steenkamp was an employee from 1949 to 1954 and a member of the board of directors of his father Van Hoorn's canning factory in Uithoorn from 1954 to September 1, 1966 . In 1960 he went first as an unscheduled ( buitengewoon hooglerar ), then in 1966 as a full professor ( gewoon hoogleraar ) at the Eindhoven University of Applied Sciences .

From 1966 to 1999 Steenkamp was a member of the First Chamber of Parliament ( Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal ), initially as a representative of the Katholieke Volkspartij ( Catholic People's Party , KVP), from 1980 as a representative of the Christian Democratisch Appèl ( Christian Democratic Appeal , CDA). From 1983 to 1991 Steenkamp was President ( Voorzitter ) of the First Chamber.

In 1971, Steenkamp was commissioned by Queen Juliana to act as an informant prior to the formation of the government. In 1982 he performed the same function for Queen Beatrix .

Steenkamp campaigned early on for the merger of the three Christian parties KVP, CHU and ARP , and from the start was a member of the Groep van Achttien , a cross-party working group that discussed and ultimately prepared the merger. Until the special party conference in October 1980, at which the unification of the three parties to form the CDA was finally formally completed, Steenkamp acted as chairman of the CDA. From this post he resigned in the course of the party congress and took on the title of honorary chairman. His successor was Piet Bukman .

The education / training institute of the CDA was named after him ( Steenkampinstituut ).

In 1976 he became a knight and on August 24, 1990 commander of the Order of the Dutch Lions . In addition, due to his 20-year membership in the Chamber on April 29, 1986, he became commander of the Order of Orange-Nassau .

Piet Steenkamp was married and has three sons. His son Thomas is mayor of the Dutch municipality of West Maas en Waal . Steenkamp died at the age of 90 on January 8, 2016.

Individual evidence

  1. CDA - grondlegger en born Uithoornaar Piet Steenkamp (90) overleden , on: cda.nl from January 12, 2016 (Dutch), accessed on January 18, 2016
  2. a b c Profile on: parlement.com (Dutch), accessed January 18, 2016
  3. a b 'Geestelijk vader' CDA Piet Steenkamp (90) overleden
  4. Piet Steenkamp (90) overled . CDA / Steenkampinstituut website of January 12, 2016, accessed on January 18, 2016