Pietro Martorana

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Pietro Martorana (* 1705 in Palermo ; † 1759 ibid) was an Italian painter of the classicist late baroque in Sicily .


Martorana was a member of a family of artists from Palermo. Nothing is known about his training. Stylistically, he appropriated the art of Gaspare Serenario , who was two years his junior and who had enjoyed his training in the painting workshop of Sebastiano Conca in Rome . Martorana created frescoes for the Palermian churches of Santa Rosalia, Santa Chiara and Santo Carlo. Together with Olivio Sozzi , also a Conca student, he decorated Pricipe di Butera's palace in Palermo on behalf of Michele Gravina Branciforte.

His son Gioacchino also became a painter.
