Pina Picierno

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Pina Picierno (2008)

Giuseppina (Pina) Picierno (born May 10, 1981 in Santa Maria Capua Vetere , Caserta province ) is an Italian politician of the Partito Democratico . She has been a member of the European Parliament since 2014 .

life and career

Picierno grew up in the small town of Teano in Campania, where her uncle Raffaele Achille Picierno was mayor. She completed a degree in communication science at the University of Salerno . In her thesis, which received top marks, she dealt with the rhetoric of the former Christian Democratic Prime Minister Ciriaco De Mita , whom she also regards as a political role model.

In 2005 she became national chairman of the youth organization of Democrazia è Libertà - La Margherita . This party merged in 2007 with the Democratici di Sinistra to form the center-left rallying party Partito Democratico (PD). Under the PD's first secretary (i.e. chairman), Walter Veltroni , Picierno was the party's youth leader.

At the age of 26, she was elected to the Camera dei deputati in the parliamentary elections in 2008 as a representative of the constituency of Campania 2 (and thus as successor to De Mitas) . There she had a seat on the culture committee, from 2010 on the justice committee. As shadow minister for youth and sport, she was a member of the PD shadow cabinet from 2008 to 2009 . Within the party it is assigned to the Christian-social wing ("AreaDem") of the former party leader Dario Franceschini (2009). However, she supported the left-wing Pier Luigi Bersani against Matteo Renzi in the area code of the center-left camp at the end of 2012 .

She was re-elected in the elections in spring 2013 , was again a member of the Judiciary Committee, and from March 2014 the EU Policy Committee. She was also a member of the committee of inquiry into the mafia and organized crime. Despite her earlier rejection, Renzi appointed her after his election as party chairman to the board of the PD as the person responsible for legality. On June 25, 2014, she resigned from the Chamber of Deputies in order to take her seat in the European Parliament .

In the 2014 European elections , she was elected to the European Parliament as the PD's top candidate for the constituency of southern Italy. There she belongs to the group of the Progressive Alliance of Social Democrats (S&D), was Deputy Chair of the delegation in the EU-Mexico Joint Parliamentary Committee from 2014 to 2019, as well as a member of the Committee on Budgets and, from 2015, also of the Committee on Women's Rights and Equality Genders . She was re-elected in the 2019 European elections . She remains a member of the Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities Committee and Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development and is a delegate for relations with Israel.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b , official website of the European Parliament
  2. a b c d Antonio Sansonetti: Chi è Pina Picierno, capolista pd al Sud. Ieri De Mita, oggi Renzi, da semper Franceschini. In: Blitz quotidiano , April 29, 2014.
  3. Guerzoni Monica: Una giovane al posto di De Mita, "Proverò a tenere tutti i voti". In: Corriere della Sera , March 1, 2008, p. 8.
  4. Entry in the camera's storico portal
  5. ^ Changes in the composition of the camera dei deputati