Pir Umar Halveti

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Pir Umar Halveti (full name Abu Abdallah Sirajuddin Umar ibn Akmaluddin al-Lahji al-Chalwati ; † 1347 , 748 according to the Islamic calendar ) was an Islamic mystic ( Sufi ) and founder of the Halveti - Tariqa (Halveti Dervish Order).

Umar Halvetis birth is probably lahijan , located in the province of Gilan in Iran is. During his youth he went to Khorezmia , where he became a student of his uncle Achi Muhammad ibn Nur Chalwati, a Sufi. After his death in 1317 (717 according to the Islamic calendar ) Umar Halveti became the spiritual leader of his followers.

Later he made a trip to Azerbaijan and Egypt , then he made the pilgrimage ( Hajj ) to Mecca . Then he went to Khorasan , where he settled in the city of Herat . There he founded the Halveti-Tariqa.

Umar Halveti got his name because he regularly withdrew to worship God. The term Halvet (Arabic Chalwat ) is used by the Sufis in connection with "retreat into prayer" and "prayer". The form Halveti describes someone who undergoes this practice; German would be the name "Umar the devout".

According to a Halveti tradition, Pir Umar Halveti was given the name by his worried dervishes who, after a long search, found him in a hollow plane tree during devotion.

See also: Sufism , Jerrahi