Pius I.

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Pius I (* in Aquileia (?); † 155 (?) In Rome ) was Bishop of Rome (140/142 (?) - 155 (?)).

In the Muratori Canon , Hermas , the author of The Shepherd of Hermas , is referred to as the brother of "Pius, Bishop of Rome"; since Hermas was a slave, it is believed that Pius was also a slave. He is said to have been born in Aquileia as the son of Rufinus. He built Santa Pudenziana , which according to tradition is the oldest church in Rome. He was later called a martyr , but there is no historical evidence for this. Many historians see him as the first real bishop in Rome, since the Christian communities were initially headed by a majority of presbyters , i.e. not a single bishop was at the head.

Pius mainly dealt with the early Gnostics , especially Valentinus , Cerdon and Marcion , whom he excommunicated as a heretic . He is said to have issued the provision that Easter should always be celebrated on a Sunday. The few letters under his name turned out to be forgeries. His feast day as a saint is July 11th. His name is Latin and means "the pious".


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Commons : Pius I.  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Hyginus Bishop of Rome
(the term Pope was first used after 384)
140 / 142–155