Pyotr Alexandrovich Avenarius

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Pyotr Alexandrovich Avenarius

Pyotr Alexandrovich Avenarius ( Russian Пётр Александрович Авенариус ; born May 23 . Jul / 4. June  1843 greg. In Peterhof , † 1 December . Jul / 14. December  1909 . Greg in St. Petersburg ) was a Russian engineer and entrepreneur .


Avenarius, son of State Councilor Alexander Alexandrowitsch Avenarius (1797-1892), was the 9th generation of the Avenarius family in Prague . He attended the 5th St. Petersburg High School without a degree and then studied at the St. Petersburg Technological Institute again without a degree. Then he entered the ship mechanic - Corps and attended as Junker Copenhagen , Stockholm , Konstantin Opel and Algiers and the Canary and Cape Verde Islands . Eventually he was promoted to naval officer as an engineer-mechanic. He now worked in the Putilov works .

1871 Avenarius entered the Moscow - Brest - railway company as a member of the Board and Executive Director of the Neva -Vorstadt- Pferdebahn .

In 1889, Avenarius founded the Primorskaya Railway Company for the construction and operation of a railway from St. Petersburg to Sestrorezk . He became their president and ran their business. In 1890 the Council of Ministers decided to build this route. The route was opened in 1894. In 1898, the Council of Ministers decided to continue the route to the newly developed Datschenvorort Kurort . In 1900 the Sestrorezk-Kurort sanatorium was opened there. The line was extended from the Kurort station to the Djuny ( dunes ) station. At the end of the route, the Djuny Church of the Redeemer was built with the support of Avenarius.

Avenius villa in Tarchowka

Avenarius spent his last years with his wife Marija Jakowlewna in his villa in Tarchowka (now part of Sestrorezk ), which IP Volodichin had built for him. Avenarius died of angina pectoris while visiting his son in St. Petersburg. He was buried in the Djuny Church of the Savior.

During the Soviet-Finnish war and the German-Soviet war , the Sestrorezk area was a war zone. After the end of the fighting, a grave cross plinth with the inscription: The creator of this church and the converter of a wasteland in the village of Sestrorezki-Kurort PA Avenarius could be seen in a pit between the ruins of the Djuny Church of the Redeemer .

Web links

Commons : Pjotr ​​Alexandrowitsch Avenarius  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Terijoki Музей истории "Сестрорецкого курорта" (11/10/06) (accessed on June 15, 2017).
  2. a b c d Гущин В. А .: Авенариусы в Петергофе (accessed June 15, 2017).
  3. ^ Peterburgskaja Gazeta , December 2, 1909.