Pyotr Alexandrovich Saburov

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Pyotr Alexandrovich Saburov

Pyotr Alexandrowitsch Saburow ( Russian Пётр Александрович Сабуров ; * 1835 in Veryaevo, Elatma district; † 1918 in Petrograd ) was a Russian diplomat and civil servant.


In 1854 he entered the Russian civil service, from 1856 he worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He worked at the Russian embassies in Munich , London and Karlsruhe . In 1870 he became ambassador to Greece , in 1879 ambassador to Germany . As such, he also represented Russia at the Berlin Conference in 1880 . In 1884 he returned to Saint Petersburg and became a member of the Governing Senate . In 1900 he became a member of the State Council .

Saburov was also a well-known chess player and lover.


Pyotr Alexandrovich Saburov was the brother of the future Minister of Public Education of the Russian Empire Andrei Alexandrovich Saburov . In 1870 he married Luise Therese Leontine Vitzthum von Eckstädt (1849–1916), daughter of Albert Friedrich Vitzthum von Eckstädt . Her son was Pyotr Petrovich Saburov (1880-1932).

Sabouroff Collection

During his time in Greece he amassed an important collection of antiquities. This was edited and published by Adolf Furtwängler in Berlin. When he left Berlin in the spring of 1884, the collection was dissolved. The vases, the sculptures and most of the bronzes were bought by the Berlin Museum of Antiquities for 340,000 marks . The terracottas, including numerous Tanagra figures , were purchased from the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg.

John D. Beazley named the Sabouroff painter after him , and the head Sabouroff in Berlin is also named after him.


  • Ma mission à Berlin 1879–1884 . Trenké et Fusnot, St-Pétersbourg 1914.
    • English version: JY Simpson: The Saburov memoirs or Bismarck & Russia. Being fresh light on the league of the three emperors 1881 . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1929, Reprinted Cambridge 2012, ISBN 978-1-107-62647-8 .


to the Sabouroff Collection
  • Adolf Furtwängler : The Sabouroff Collection. Art monuments from Greece . Asher, Berlin 1883–1887 ( digitized version ).
    • French edition: La Collection Sabouroff. Monuments de l'art grec . 2 volumes, Asher, Berlin 1883–1887.
  • Elena Khodza: The PA Sabouroff Collection of Ancient Terracottas from The State Hermitage Museum . In: Les Carnets de l'ACoSt 17, 2018 ( digitized version ).
  • Elena N. Khodza: Antičnye terrakoty iz sobranija PA Saburova / Antique terra-cottas from the Pyotr Sabouroff's collection . Hermitage, Saint Petersburg 2018, ISBN 978-5-93572-772-7 .

Web links


  1. Edward Winter: The Saburovs at
  2. ^ Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the count's houses 1896, pp. 1204–1205.
  3. ^ Ludwig Pallat : Richard Schöne - General Director of the Royal Museums in Berlin. A contribution to the history of the Prussian art administration 1872–1905 . Berlin 1959, pp. 178-179.