Pyotr Nikolayevich Polewoi

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Pyotr Polewoi

Pyotr Nikolajewitsch Polewoi ( Russian Пётр Никола́евич Полево́й ; * 1839 ; † 1902 ) was an important Russian linguist , author , translator and historian .


Pyotr Polewoi, son of the writer and historian Nikolai Alexejewitsch Polewoi , attended the 5th St. Petersburg high school with graduation in 1857 and then studied at the historical and philological faculty of the University of St. Petersburg . After successfully defending his master’s thesis attempt at a comparative overview of the old Germanic and Slavic poetry in 1864, he became a private lecturer at St. Petersburg University at the chair for general literature . His doctoral dissertation (corresponding to a habilitation thesis ) Contributions of the medieval drama to history remained undefended and appeared in St. Petersburg in 1865. He was then a lecturer in Russian language and literature at the New Russian University in Odessa . Eventually he was appointed to the chair of the Russian and Church Slavonic languages by the University of Warsaw .

In 1871 Polewoi gave up his post to devote himself entirely to literary activity. He described himself as a machine that writes what is wanted: dramas, stories, history, reviews. Nevertheless, literary studies remained the focus of his work. His history of Russian literature in essays and biographies always appeared in St. Petersburg in 1871 , the contributions on everyday tombstones to Russian history in 1879–1880, and in 1900 the history of Russian literature from its beginnings to the present day .

Polewoi also published a Russian story and aesthetic Russia (1884), the historical novel The Root of Evil (1891), the story The Talyany Devil (1891) among many others and the historical stories and short stories (1893). Together with Viktor Alexandrowitsch Krylow , he wrote the historical plays The Tsarina Sofia and The Girls' Revolt . In addition, in 1893 he published the translation of the children's and house fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm and in 1895 fairy tales, collected by the Brothers Grimm .

Polevoi published numerous articles in the historical-literary monthly magazine Historischer Bote , founded by Alexei Sergejewitsch Suworin and Sergei Nikolajewitsch Schubinski , such as Bohdan Khmelnyzkyj and thankful Russia (1888), Maturing Peter (1888), Fyodor Ivanovich Buslajew (on the fiftieth anniversary of his scientific activity (1888)), Types of Dark Ages (1889), Memories of the painter AD Litovchenko (1890), Tomb of the Princely Fool (1890), Memories of PN Petrov (1891), Two Teachers (Memories of School) (1892) and Nil Alexandrowitsch Popow ( Nekrolog ) (1892).
