Plücker coordinates

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Plücker coordinates are coordinates for straight lines in 3-dimensional space. They are named after Julius Plücker . They are a special case of the more general Graßmann-Plücker coordinates .

To describe a straight line in 3-dimensional projective space , we select two points lying on the straight line and with homogeneous coordinates and and define for all


Im is the point with homogeneous coordinates

well-defined, regardless of the choice of homogeneous coordinates for and . Since the determinant is multilinear and alternating, these coordinates depend only on the straight and not of the selected points on the straight and off.

The six coordinates satisfy the Plücker relation


This equation describes a conical quadric in the as, Klein quadric is referred to. The straight lines im are thus parameterized by the points of the Klein quadric.

With the coordinates and the Plücker relation can also be formulated as. A typical application is the description of straight lines lying in one plane. If a straight line by the coordinates or and a second straight line by the coordinates or is given, then are the straight lines , and if and only in a plane when

