Plasma cellular pododermatitis

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Plasma cell pododermatitis on the ball of the foot of a cat

The plasmacellular Pododermatitis is a rare disease of the bales in domestic cats . The cause is unknown; an immune system or structural disorder is suspected. The disease leads to a strong swelling of one or more pads. They no longer feel resilient, but rather soft and slack and can turn purple. At first, the swelling is painless. In the further course it can lead to bruises , ulcers and secondary infections, which are then expressed in clear lameness .

In laboratory diagnostics, affected animals usually show polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia (increase in gamma globulins in the blood). Numerous plasma cells can be detected in the fine needle biopsy . In terms of differential diagnosis, neoplasms , eosinophilic granuloma , contact dermatoses and autoimmune skin diseases must be differentiated.

The administration of doxycycline for four weeks usually reduces the swelling of the balls, and in a quarter of the cases it heals completely. Kraft recommends the administration of long-term corticoids , Horzinek the combination of corticoids with chlorambucil . If the pads are very ulcerated, surgical removal must be considered. Siebert reports good results with cryosurgery . Here the affected pads are treated with liquid nitrogen, the dead tissue falls off after a while and the re-epithelialization is complete after about four weeks.


  • Chiara Noli and Fabia Scarampella: Plasma Cellular Pododermatitis . In: Practical Dermatology in Dogs and Cats. 2nd edition 2005, Schlütersche, pp. 352–353.
  • Plasma cellular pododermatitis . In: Wilfried Kraft: Cat diseases: Clinic and therapy . Schlütersche, 2003, ISBN 9783794401994 , pp. 512-513.
  • Plasma cellular pododermatitis . In: Marian C. Horzinek: Diseases of the cat . Georg Thieme Verlag, 2005, ISBN 9783830410492 , pp. 302-303.
  • Jens Siebert: Heal with cold