Point Pedro Lighthouse

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Point Pedro Lighthouse
Point Padro Lighthouse
The lighthouse behind a military transmission tower
The lighthouse behind a military transmission tower
Place: Sri LankaSri Lanka Sri Lanka , Point Pedro
Location: On the northeasternmost point of Sri Lanka
Geographical location: 9 ° 49 '36.9 "  N , 80 ° 14' 58.8"  E Coordinates: 9 ° 49 '36.9 "  N , 80 ° 14' 58.8"  E
Fire carrier height : 105  ft (32  m )
Fire height : 102  ft (31.1  m )
Point Pedro Lighthouse (Sri Lanka)
Point Pedro Lighthouse
Identifier : Fl.W.5s
Scope knows: 10 nm (18.5 km )
Construction time: 1916
International ordinal number: F 0870


Point Pedro Lighthouse , occasionally also Point Padro Lighthouse ( Sinhala පේදුරු තුඩුව ප්‍රදීපාගාරය ), is a lighthouse ( English Lighthouse ) in the northern province of Sri Lanka .

The 32 m high round tower was built in 1916 by the British colonial administration in Point Pedro . The beacon marks the northeasternmost point of the island and the transition from the Bengal Gulf to the Palk Strait . The fire height is 31 m and a white lightning bolt with a return of 5 seconds (Fl.W.5s) is shown as an identifier .

During the civil war the beacon was out of order. The tower now stands next to a towering transmission tower in a military base of the Sri Lankan Navy .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. According to Amazing Lanka, "all the glass and the lamp is destroyed and covered by black polythene", but according to the List of Lights (Pub. 112) and Navionics the beacon is in operation.