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Polemos ( ancient Greek Πόλεμος Pólemos "fight, war"; Latinized Bellum ) is the personification of war in Greek mythology .

For Pindar , the earliest source of a personified conception of war, he is the father of the Alala , who embodied the battle cry. In the peace of Aristophanes he appears and locks the peace in the form of the goddess of peace Eirene . There he is also the father of Kydoimos , the daimon of hand-to-hand combat, who helps his father as a servant. The Suda , a Byzantine lexicon from the 10th century, knows Deimos and Phobos as further sons . Quintus of Smyrna calls him brother of the Enyo . According to a fable of Aesop that has been handed down by Babrios , Polemus was married to hubris , whom he followed everywhere. Therefore, hubris (“arrogance, presumption”) should not be given a place, because otherwise war would come. In Virgil's description of the entrance to the underworld, he is named as Bellum among the characters who have their place there : the deadly war that threateningly occupies the threshold to the underworld.


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  1. Pindar, fragment 78 from the dithyrambs , obtained from Plutarch , De gloria Atheniensium 7.
  2. Suda , keyword Δεῖμος , Adler number: delta 327 , Suda-Online .
  3. Quintus of Smyrna 8,426.
  4. Aesop, Fable 367 of the Pery Index (Babrios 70).
  5. Virgil, Aeneid 6,279.