Police uniform

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Police officer of the Hamburg police

A police uniform is the uniform worn by some members of the police force . A uniform enables police officers to be easily identified . The uniforms used around the world differ in color and cut, with the dominant colors being blue and black.

Uniforms all over the world

Police uniform in Thailand


In all German countries today, the police force wearing a blue uniform, although the uniforms of the individual countries differ in details and cut.

Since the 1970s, a moss green / beige colored uniform with a black leather jacket, moss green jacket, beige shirt and brown trousers was common. Since 2003 this uniform has been gradually replaced by the current blue uniforms - the first in 2004/2005 at the Hamburg police , the last in 2018 at the Bavarian police . During the conversion phase, both types of uniform were found in one country in a few cases. All uniforms have the emblem of the employer ( state or federal coat of arms ) on the left, partly on both upper arms and on the front of the peaked cap (shown in the police star).


Austrian police uniform

The Austrian police's uniforms are dark blue. In addition to the operational uniform, senior officers also have a representation uniform.


The uniforms are uniform in light and dark blue and differ within a uniform class only in terms of the ranks of the Namibian police.

United Kingdom

The British police officers ("Bobbies") are best known for their Custodian helmets , which have now been partially replaced by visor caps. This helmet was first introduced in 1863 to the Metropolitan Police in London. The English police wear a black uniform with white undershirts; patrol and traffic police officers in particular often also wear a neon yellow safety vest.

Uniform in Ghana

United States of America

In the United States, police uniforms vary widely from state to state. At the federal level, black or dark blue uniforms have prevailed, but you can often also see light blue to white, green or beige clothing. Most police officers wear peaked caps , but Stetson hats are more common in the south-west of the country .

See also

Web links

Commons : Police Uniforms  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: Police uniform  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations