Police uniform (Namibia)

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Nampol uniform badge
Anti-terrorist special forces of the Namibian police

The Namibian police uniforms are the uniforms of the police in the southwest African state of Namibia . A distinction must be made between the uniforms of the Windhoek City Police .


The uniform of the Namibian police is regulated in a police ordinance. Basically, this prescribes the color, equipment and cut of all uniforms to be worn by police officers on duty. The uniforms are uniform in light and dark blue and differ within a uniform class only in terms of the ranks of the Namibian police .

The Namibian police distinguish between

  • Combat uniform,
  • Striped uniform and
  • Ceremony uniform

Strip and duty uniforms

The combat uniform is the uniform that is worn by the staff in their regular, daily duty. Members of higher ranks are free to choose the uniform class, although they usually choose the striped uniform. The strip uniform and the combat uniform can be worn alternatively.

The pants or, in the case of female police officers, the skirt are dark blue. For this purpose, a black leather belt or, optionally (combat uniform), a wide, white belt is worn. In the case of the striped uniform, trousers are worn foot-length with black leather shoes; in the case of the combat uniform, cargo trousers tucked into black shaft boots .

The shirts are available in light blue and dark blue and are worn without a tie. The collar is designed as a hinged collar with a relatively deep button on the top. It is forbidden to wear any other item of clothing visibly under the shirt.

As headgear, there is a fabric police hat with a blue peak, a fabric cap with a black plastic peak (depending on the rank) and a baseball cap (uniform). All hats are dark blue and have badges of rank .

Ceremony uniform

The ceremony uniform ( English Ceremonial Uniform ) is used for representation and parade purposes at higher ranks. It is worn in full equipment, especially at national celebrations such as Independence Day and swearing-in ceremonies.

The uniform is characterized by a dark blue blazer with a service badge and gold chest bands. For this, a dark blue tie is always worn with a light or dark blue shirt.

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