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Polyacanthonotus rissoanus

Polyacanthonotus rissoanus

Subclass : Neuflosser (Neopterygii)
Subclass : Real bony fish (Teleostei)
Cohort : Elopomorpha
Order : Thorn-back eels (Notacanthiformes)
Family : Thornback eels (Notacanthidae)
Genre : Polyacanthonotus
Scientific name
Bleeker , 1874

Polyacanthonotus is a genus of the thorn-back eels (Notacanthidae). The four species described have so far beencaughtin the deep sea in the southern Bering Sea , the northern Pacific, New Zealand , the Caribbean , the Mediterranean and the North Atlantic at depths of 500 to 3753 meters.


Polyacanthonotus species become 10 to 60 cm long. They have an eel-like long, laterally flattened body that is supported by 224 to 290 vertebrae. From the dorsal fin only 26 to 41 single spines remain. Dorsal soft rays are not present. Their mouth is subordinate and of normal size, the maxillary is edentulous, the premaxillary and lower jaw are dentate. The number of Branchiostegal rays is 6 to 13, the gill trap is well developed. Cleithrum and Supracleithrum, two cover bones in the shoulder girdle, are severely ossified.


Four types have been described:


Web links

Commons : Polyacanthonotus  - collection of images, videos, and audio files