Polygonia c-aureum

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Polygonia c-aureum
Polygonia c-aureum

Polygonia c-aureum

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Noble butterfly (Nymphalidae)
Subfamily : Spotted butterfly (Nymphalinae)
Genre : Polygonia
Type : Polygonia c-aureum
Scientific name
Polygonia c-aureum
( Linnaeus , 1758)
Wing undersides

Polygonia c-aureum is a butterfly ( butterflies ) from the noble butterfly family(Nymphalidae) that is widespread in East Asia.


The wings are colored orange on top and drawn with a black, brown and yellow pattern of spots. Polygonia c-aureum differs from other species by blue, post-disk spots on the upper side of the wings . The undersides of the wings are dark brown, light brown, gray or yellowish in color and have a conspicuous white, C-like pattern. The moths of the first generation usually have light-colored undersides of wings, those of the second are more darkly colored and sparsely spotted. They were described as form pryeri Janson, 1878.

The color of the pupa varies from bright yellow to light yellow, yellow-brown to dark brown. It depends on the temperature and the length of the day, with temperature being the dominant factor. Caterpillars that live in low temperatures and on long days make the most dark pupae.

Similar species

  • C-butterfly ( Polygonia c-album ) ( Linné , 1758) occurs in Europe, North Africa and Asia to Japan.
  • Polygonia egea ( Cramer , [1775]) iswidespreadfrom southern Europe via Asia Minor and Central Asia to Afghanistan and has fewer black drawing elements, especiallythe black basal on the upper side of the hind wing is missing.
  • Polygonia interposita ( Staudinger , 1881) has more rounded incisions on the wing edge and more extensive black spots. It iswidespreadfrom the Ghissar to the Altai Mountains, in northwest China and in the Himalayas .


Polygonia c-aureum occurs in Siberia in the Amur and Ussuri region, in northwest China, Korea and Japan.

Way of life

Polygonia c-aureum lives in clearings in deciduous forests, the moths fly in two generations from May to September. The eggs are laid individually on leaves or buds of the food plants. The caterpillars spin a nest out of the leaves. They pupate in a web of leaves close to the ground. The second generation moths overwinter. This behavior is triggered by the length of the day in the adult caterpillars.

Food of the caterpillars

Japanese hops ( Humulus scandens ) and hemp ( Cannabis sativa ) and Ussuri Humulopsis cordifolius serve as host plants in Japan .


VK Tuzov, PV Bogdanov, SV Churkin, AV Dantchenko, AL Devyatkin, VS Murzin, GD Samodurov, AB Zhdanko: Guide to the Butterflies of Russia and adjacent territories . Libytheidae, Danaidae, Nymphalidae, Riodinidae, Lycaenidae. tape 2 . Pensoft, Sofia 2000, ISBN 954-642-095-6 , pp. 26th f .

Individual evidence

  1. The Palaearctic Butterflies . In: Adalbert Seitz (ed.): The large butterflies of the earth . tape  1 . Alfred Kernen, Stuttgart 1909, p. 207 .
  2. a b Akira Yamanaka, Ayuki Tanaka, Chisato Kitazawa: Pupal Color Polyphenism Regulated by Temperature and Photoperiod in the Asian Comma Butterfly, Polygonia c-aureum (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Zoological Studies 51 (8): pp. 1432-1437 (2012)

Web links

Commons : Polygonia c-aureum  - album with pictures, videos and audio files