Ponte Romana (Chaves)

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Coordinates: 41 ° 44 ′ 17 ″  N , 7 ° 28 ′ 1 ″  W.

Ponte Romana
Ponte Romana
Ponte Romana in Chaves
use Road bridge
Crossing of Tâmega
place Chaves , Norte Region , ( Portugal )
construction Stone arch bridge
Number of openings 16 (from formerly 18)
Clear width Max. 5.75 m
start of building flavian
construction time 2nd half of the 1st century AD
Ponte Romana (Chaves) (Portugal)
Ponte Romana (Chaves)

The Ponte Romana (also Trajan 's called) is a stone arch bridge in Chaves ( Portugal ) over the river Tâmega . It connects the town of Chaves (ancient Aquae Flaviae) with a suburb on the southwestern bank and is used as a road and pedestrian bridge.

The bridge has twelve visible round arches with a clear width of up to 8.90 m. However, the structure continues under the current street on both sides of the masonry-bound river. Its total length is therefore given as 140 m.

The construction of the bridge was probably started during the reign of Trajan at the end of the first century in the Roman garrison town of Aquae Flaviae , which can be seen from one of the two steles on the bridge. Exact dates about the beginning and the end of the construction period are not known. It was an important part of the road from Asturica Augusta ( Astorga ) to Bracara Augusta ( Braga ).

Two stone steles were placed on the bridge with the following inscriptions:

  • Imp (eratori) Caes (ari) Ve [sp (asiano) Aug (usto) pont (ifici)] / max (imo) trib (unicia) pot (estate) [X imp (eratori) XX p (atri) p (atriae ) co (n) s (uli) IX] / Imp (eratori) Vesp (asiano) Caes (ari) Au [g (usti) f (ilio) pont (ifici) trib (unicia) pot (estate)] / VIII imp (eratori) XIIII co (n) [s (uli) VII?] / [[[Imp (eratori)? Domitiano? Caes (ari)? Aug (usti)? f (ilio)? ---]]] / [[[------]]] / G (aio) Calpetano Ra [ntio Quirinali] / Val (erio) Festo leg (ato) A [ug (usti) pr (o) pr (aetore)] / D (ecimo) Cornelio Ma [eciano leg (ato) Aug (usti)] / L (ucio) Arruntio Max [imo proc (uratori) Aug (usti)] / leg (ionis) VII gem (inae ) [fel (icis)] / civitates [X] / Aquiflavias [ses Aobrigenses] / Bibali Coel [erni Equaesi] / Interamic [i Limici Aebisoci?] / Quarque [r] ni Ta [magani]
  • Imp (eratore) Caes (are) Nerva / Traiano Aug (usto) Germ (anico) / Dacico pont (ifice) max (imo) / trib (unicia) pot (estate) co (n) s (ule) V p (atre ) p (atriae) / Aquiflavienses pontem lapideum / de suo f (aciendum) c (uraverunt)

The bridge stands as Monumento Nacional under monument protection .



  1. Portuguese: Ponte romana (f), Spanish: Ponte romano (m)
  2. CIL 2, 2477
  3. CIL 2, 2478 : dated 103/4 AD.

Web links

Commons : Ponte Romana (Chaves)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files