Ponte del Diavolo (game)

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Ponte del Diavolo
Game data
author Martin Ebel
publishing company Lucky Hans , Rio Grande Games
Publishing year 2007
Art Board game
Teammates 2
Duration 20 minutes
Age from 10

Ponte del Diavolo (Italian; Bridge of the Devil ) is a strategic board game for two players, developed by Martin Ebel. It is intended as a throwback to Alex Randolph , the author of Twixt ; like this it belongs to the connection games. The players build islands from their stones and connect them with bridges. In the end, the more islands you have connected, the more points you get.


The game is played on a board with 10 × 10 fields, but other board sizes are also possible. One player receives white stones, the other red stones. One player places two white pieces on the board, the other player then has the choice of playing with white or red. Then the players take turns, red begins.

The player on the move either places two of his stones on free spaces or builds a bridge between two of his previously placed stones. One to three orthogonally connected stones of the same color are called a sandbank and four an island . No other stone of the same color may border an island, not even diagonally. A bridge can span a field in an orthogonal or diagonal direction or connect two fields at a knight's jump distance. The field under a bridge (two fields in the case of a knight jump) must not be occupied by stones. Bridges are not allowed to cross each other. Several bridges cannot end on the same stone.

The game ends when the player can no longer place two stones and also refrains from building a bridge. If this is white, red can make another move so that both have drawn the same number of times. Then the players receive points for their associations of islands connected by bridges, whereby the connection can also lead over sandbanks. For a union of n islands there are points ( triangular number ). The points for a player's associations are added together. Whoever has more points wins, in case of a tie the game ends in a draw.

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