Portal Tomb by Loughmoney

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Scheme of the Irish portal Tombarten

The Loughmoney Portal Tomb (also called Loughmoney Dolmen) is located east of Downpatrick , above and south of Strangford Lough at the junction of Loughmoney and Carrownacaw Road in County Down in Northern Ireland .

Its two slate side stones are only about 1.0 meters high. The 0.6 m thick capstone is slightly longer than the side stones. The length of the stones and the lack of an end stone suggest that it is the remainder of a passage tomb or a court tomb . The grave is about 3.0 meters long, 1.0 meters wide and 1.6 meters high. The access points to the northwest. There are no traces of an overlying stone pile. The grave was supposed to be placed under protection in 1974, but was not taken into account in 2008 when the general conditions changed. The grave, which had collapsed in the meantime, was erected again.

The Long Stone

In the nearby Carrownacaw stands the 3.3 m high, slender menhir “The Long Stone” - a light-colored slate stone slightly inclined to the south . He is held by a hawser wrapped around a tree. At the base of the stone, cremated bones and flints including cross arrowheads were discovered. Excavations showed that a ring moat about 6.0 m in diameter surrounded the stone. Traces of cremated bones, a ceramic fragment and some flint stones were found in the filling of the trench. An early Bronze Age date is likely. The Court Tomb of Ballyalton and the megalithic complex of Slievenagriddle are nearby .

See also


  • Elizabeth Shee Twohig: Irish Megalithic Tombs (= Shire Archeology. 63). Shire, Princes Risborough 1990, ISBN 0-7478-0094-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. In: Seán P. Ó Ríordáin Antiquities of the Irish Countryside, p. 143

Web links

Coordinates: 54 ° 20 '33.4 "  N , 5 ° 38' 2.6"  W.