Posavski Gonič

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Posavski Gonič (Sava Bracke, Savetalbracke, Posavatz Bracke)
Posavski Gonič
FCI Standard No. 154
1.2 Medium-sized hounds
Origin :


Alternative names:

Posavski Gonič (Posavatz Hound)

Withers height:

Males : 50–56 cm
Bitches: 47–53 cm
Tolerance max. ± 2 cm


not specified

List of domestic dogs

The Posavski Gonič , also Save- Bracke , Savetalbracke or Posavatz- Hound , is a Croatian dog breed from the Save area ( Posavina ) recognized by the FCI . The breed belongs to FCI group 6, section 1.2 , the standard is number 154.

The Posavski Gonič is a 47 cm to 56 cm hound that is almost unknown outside of its homeland. The ears are medium in size, hanging close to the head and have rounded tips. Thick stick hair, approx. 2 to 3 cm long, covers the body in all reddish-wheat-yellow color gradations. White markings on the head, neck, fore-chest, abdomen, limbs and tip of the tail are desirable.


The Posavski gonič is a hunting dog . Originally a hound, it is also used as a bloodhound . It is also suitable as a watchdog or family dog if there is enough space for the very lively dog.

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