Pourtalesia heptneri

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Pourtalesia heptneri
Class : Sea urchin (Echinoidea)
Subclass : Euechinoidea
Order : Holasteroid
Family : Pourtalesiidae
Genre : Pourtalesia
Type : Pourtalesia heptneri
Scientific name
Pourtalesia heptneri
Mironov , 1978

Pourtalesia heptneri is an irregular sea ​​urchin in the family Pourtalesiidae. It is a benthic inhabitant of the soft sediments and has been found in the Indonesian Banda Sea at depths between 7130 and 7340 m. No other sea urchin species has so far been detected at such a depth.


Like all Pourtalesiiden is also Pourtalesia heptneri secondary bilaterally symmetrical . The animals seem to have an extremely variable combination of characteristics. They are elongated, bottle-shaped and have a relatively thin housing.


Little is known about the way of life and the diet of the deep sea urchins. The animals are dependent on the entry of marine snow from the upper water layers. So they represent deposit eaters who eat the mud of the seabed and filter out and utilize the nutrients it contains.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Pourtalesia heptneri Mironov, 1978. Accessed May 1, 2019 .
  2. Schultz, Heinke AG: Handbook of Zoology. Echinoidea: with bilateral symmetry. Irregularia. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, Berlin, ISBN 3-11-036853-6 , p. 131 .
  3. ^ R. Mooi & B. David (1996) Phylogenetic analysis of extreme morphologies: deep-sea holasteroid echinoids, Journal of Natural History, 30: 6, 913-953, DOI: 10.1080 / 00222939600770501