Pourtalesia Jeffreysi

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Pourtalesia Jeffreysi
Pourtalesia Jeffreysi

Pourtalesia Jeffreysi

Class : Sea urchin (Echinoidea)
Subclass : Euechinoidea
Order : Holasteroid
Family : Pourtalesiidae
Genre : Pourtalesia
Type : Pourtalesia Jeffreysi
Scientific name
Pourtalesia Jeffreysi
Thomson , 1873

Pourtalesia jeffreysi is a species of the irregular sea ​​urchin in the family Pourtalesiidae. It is a benthic inhabitant of the soft sediments in the deep sea . The species is widespread in the North Atlantic and lives in a sea depth of 50 to more than 3000 m.


As with all Pourtalesiiden it is an irregular representative of the sea urchin, i. H. the animals give up their pentaradial symmetry during ontogenesis and become bilaterally symmetrical secondarily . The animals reach a length of 58 mm. While the front of the housing is transverse, the flanks and the underside of the animals are convex. A rounded anal rust is formed on the posterior side. The length of the spines is uniform and is about a third of the length of the housing.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Pourtalesia jeffreysi Thomson, 1873. Retrieved April 30, 2019 .
  2. Schultz, Heinke AG: Handbook of Zoology. Echinoidea: with bilateral symmetry. Irregularia. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, Berlin, ISBN 3-11-036853-6 , p. 133 .