Presenilin sel-12

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Presenilin sel-12 ( Caenorhabditis elegans )
Mass / length primary structure 444 amino acids
Secondary to quaternary structure Homodimer, multipass membrane protein
Gene name (s) sel-12 (WormBase)
External IDs
Enzyme classification
EC, category 3.4.23.- Aspartylpeptidase
MEROPS A22.009

Presenilin sel-12 is a protein from the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans . It is an enzyme that breaks down proteins called aspartyl protease . sel-12 is part of the gamma-secretase - protein complex . Presenilins are found in many multicellular animals . In the nematode it is ubiquitously expressed in neurons, both in the mother and in the zygote throughout development. Presenilin sel-12 is essential for the correct connectivity of the AIY cholinergic interneurons and their function in thermotaxis . It is also indispensable for the mesodermal patterning of muscle function.

Sel-12 is a transmembrane protein and is orthologous to the protein presenilin in humans . In the worm it plays a role in the development of the sexual organs ( vulva ) (the worm is a hermaphrodite). Some mutations in sel-12 can cause the worm to have an egg-laying defect. Sel-12 regulates the proteins lin-12 and glp-1 (defective germ line proliferation) in a notch-analogous signaling pathway . In addition, sel-12 is important for thermotaxis (the worm prefers certain temperatures and seeks out regions with corresponding temperatures).


  • Stefan Eimer: Analysis and suppression of mutant sel-12 in C. elegans. Dissertation, LMU Munich, 2003

Individual evidence

  1. UniProt P52166