Prague citizens' petition

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The Prague citizens' petition of March 13, 1848 was presented by Eduard von Bauernfeld in the Prague restaurant “St. Wenceslas Bath ”pronounced.

On March 13, 1848, a committee of Czechs was elected at the St. Wenceslas Bath Assembly , which, by a delegation, submitted 14 requests formulated in German and Czech as a petition to Emperor Ferdinand I (Austria) (and his government) in Vienna . Due to the rejection on the part of Vienna, it was decided in the second general assembly to make another attempt in this regard; with the result that Vienna made concessions. At the following plenary assembly the committee became a national committee renamed, now comprised 100 members, was subdivided into twelve sections / committees and took on various tasks (e.g. parliamentary work).

The government in Prague received a conservative and adroit gubernial president through Count Leo von Thun-Hohenstein .

One of the committees invited to the Austrian Slavic Congress , in which "foreign guests" were allowed to participate.

The meeting ensured that Count Thun put an advisory, provisionally responsible government councilor at his side.

The historian František Palacký was elected chairman of the Slavic Congress (June 2, 1848) and the congress deliberated in the Czech-Slovak, South Slav and Polish-Ruthenian sections on the federal future of Austria, relations with each other and with other Slavs and nationalities. Mikhail Bakunin was also a participant .

The Whitsun uprising in Prague led to protests in front of the headquarters of Prince Alfred I zu Windisch-Graetz and soldiers shot into the crowd, students erected barricades around the university and Count Thun was taken hostage during negotiations. Other participants were delegates from the Slavs Congress and Czech radicals.

The people's armament refused Prince Windischgrätz and issued an order to fire, on the basis of which the rebels released Count Thun, asked for surrender negotiations and the negotiations with the Viennese delegation resulted in the military withdrawing into the fortress .

Nevertheless, the fighting flared up again on June 17, 1848, so that the state of siege was imposed by Prince Windisch-Grätz. The delivery of the weapons and the release of the hostages were also requested. Fighting broke out once more, which ended with the surrender, the dissolution of the National Guard and the arrest of more than 300 people.


  • Niederhauser: March 27, 1848, p. 58 ff .; March 31. 1848, p. 60; 10th of April. 1848, p. 61 ff .; April 30, 1848, p. 62; May 3, 1848, p. 97; May 28, 1848, p. 99; June 1, 1848, pp. 97 ff .; June 12, 1848, p. 100; June 12, 1848, p. 102
  • Kiezling: Revolution 1848/49 , June 13, 1848, p. 151; June 14, 1848, p. 153; June 15, 1848, pp. 153 ff .; June 16, 1848

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