Premio romanistico internazionale Gérard Boulvert

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The Premio romanistico internazionale Gérard Boulvert is an international scientific award in the field of legal history that has been awarded every 3 years since 1990 . It is awarded for a monographic first work in Roman law and the classical ancient law . The award ceremony takes place on the occasion of an international conference on ancient legal history, usually the annual conference of the Société Internationale Fernand de Visscher pour l'Histoire des Droits de l'Antiquité .

Most recently, the Gerard Boulvert Prize was endowed with prize money of € 12,000. With him the Medal of the University of Naples Frederico II is awarded.

The Gérard Boulvert Prize was under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic from 1990 to 2016 and was awarded its gold medal in 2019. In addition, the patrons of other European heads of state came in various years.

The detailed reports of the jury will be published in the original Italian in the Index magazine and in a German translation in the magazine of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History , Romance Department. A special issue of the Index magazine reports on the first ten rounds (1990–2016).

Award winners

  • 1990: Gijsbert Noordraven (De Fiudicia in het Romeinse Recht, 1988)
  • 1993: Martin Josef Schermaier (Materia. Contributions to the question of natural philosophy in classical Roman law, 1991)
  • 1996: Ingo Reichard (The question of compensation for third party damages in classical Roman law, 1994)
  • 1998: Giuseppe Falcone (Ricerche sull'orginie dell'interdetto 'Uti possidetis', 1996)
  • 2001: Pascal Pichonnaz (La compensation légale. Étude historique et comparative des modes de compenser, 2001)
  • 2004: Franz-Stefan Meissel (Societas. Structure and variety of types of the Roman social contract, 2004)
  • 2007: Wolfgang Kaiser (Die Epitome Iuliani. Contributions to Roman Law in the Early Middle Ages and Byzantine Legal Education, 2004)
  • 2010: Pierangelo Buongiorno (Senatus consulta Claudianis temporibus facta. Una palingenesi della deliberazioni senatorie dell 'età di Claudio (41-54 dC), 2009)
  • 2013: Julien Fournier (Entre tutelle romaine et autonomie civique. L'administration judiciaire dans les provinces hellénophones de l'Empire romain (129 av, J.-C. - 235 apr. J.-C.), 2010)
  • 2016: Andreas Groten ('Corpus' and 'universitas'. Roman corporate and corporate law: between Greek philosophy and Roman politics, 2015)
  • 2019: Gregor Albers (Perpetuatio obligationis. Duty to perform despite impossibility in classical law, 2019)

Further prices

The Commission of the Premio Romanistico Internazionale 'Gérard Boulvert' awards further prizes as part of the award ceremony, which bear the names of the donors or the donating universities or institutions or a person designated by you. The universities and institutions that regularly donate include the Italian Constitutional Court ( Premio speciale della Corte Constituzionale della Repubblica italiana ), the University of Paris II ( Premio speciale dell'Institut de Droit romain dell'Universitè de Paris II ), the University of Fribuorg ( Premio speciale della Faculté de droit de l'Université Friborg ), the Romance center Copanello ( Premio speciale " Henryk Kupiszewski " del Centro romanistico internazionale Copanello ), the University of Naples "Federico II" ( Premio speciale del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell'Università di Napoli " Federico II ” ) and the University of Camerino ( Premio speciale dell'Università di Camerino ).

Internet presence

Individual evidence

  1. ZRG RA 135. Volume (2018), pp. 943-944.
  2. German version: ZRG RA 108. Volume (1991), pp. 683-685 ; Italian original: Index 20th Volume (1992), pp. 683-685
  3. ^ German version: ZRG RA 111. Volume (1994), pp. 793-797 ; Italian original: Index 23rd volume (1995), pp. 711-714
  4. ^ German version: ZRG RA 114. Volume (1997), pp. 662-670 , Italian original: Index 25th volume (1997), pp. 799-804
  5. ^ German version: ZRG RA 116. Volume (1999), pp. 693-700 ; Italian original: Index 26th volume (1998), pp. 543-550
  6. ^ German version: ZRG RA 119th Volume (2002), pp. 699-704 ; Italian original: Index Volume 30 (2002), pp. 553-560
  7. ^ German version: ZRG RA 122. Volume (2005), pp. 486-494 ; Italian original: Index 32nd volume (2004), pp. 661–668
  8. ^ German version: ZRG RA 125th Volume (2008), pp. 976-984 ; Italian original: Index 35th volume (2007), pp. 434-442
  9. ^ German version: ZRG RA 128th Volume (2011), pp. 858-863 ; Italian original: Index Volume 39 (2011), pp. 734-741
  10. ^ German version: ZRG RA 131. Volume (2014), pp. 602-609 ; Italian original: Index 42nd volume (2014), pp. 813–822
  11. ^ German version: ZRG RA 134. Volume (2017), pp. 712-719 ; Italian original: Index 44th volume (2016), pp. 687–694
  12. ^ Original report of the jury of the XI. Romanistico Internazionale 'Gérard Boulvert' .