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Pretail (also known as Pre-Tail , pre-retail , pre-launch or pre-Commerce called) is a sub-category of e-commerce and online retail for the launch of new products , services and brands through online pre-launch, from creating a Interest waiting list from pre-launch registrations to collecting reservations or pre-orders in limited quantities prior to release and realization or commercial availability. Pretail includes the trade before the sale , retailers prior to ordering , marketing services before launch, Inkubationsmarktplätze, crowdfunding -Communities and demand chain management systems. Today's retailers are increasingly pre-tailing to test, promote and monetize consumer demand in the early stages of the new chain .


Pretail is closely related to the termcrowdsourcing ” and is part of a long chain of “pre” activities such as pre-chases, pre-realization, pre-consumers, etc. Consumers actively contribute to “pre-tailing” and support ideas that they would like to see in the market. Platforms like or give developers the opportunity to present their ideas and creations before they even hit the market. Consumers seem to be primarily interested in projects that would never have made it into the production of a traditional brand.

Pretail enables innovators to test the suitability of their product for the market with an MVP equivalent. The risks of pre-tailing could be reduced with pre-tailing platforms. More people can be investors and sellers, and fewer and fewer risks they have to take as demand is tested, funds raised, and products made. Reducing the risk in pre-tailing helps entrepreneurs by reducing the perceived and actual risks associated with launching a product and perhaps starting a business. Pre-tailing offers the opportunity to adapt to trends in supply and demand. It's the link between increasingly discerning consumers and the growth of entrepreneurship . Some services and products on pre-tailing platforms just don't take off, while others receive strong indications of market demand, receive large volumes of pre-orders, and raise massive amounts of capital for initial production. These types of services or products are the ones that manage to become e-tailers.

Ultimately, the goal of Pretail products is to be taken up by traditional “ mainstream ” retailers.


Demand in pretail is growing: electronics, movies, music, video games, books, fashion, software applications, connected devices, cars, toys, cosmetics, art, events, etc. This trend is driven by companies to encourage new product development, product releases better organize, reduce market risk and increase early fan adoption. Large companies such as Amazon and Apple offer new products in the run-up to the retail sector in order to measure the demand, the market dynamics in the supply chain to control and the anticipation of the fans to monetize. Small businesses use crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo prior to product realization to test the marketability of products, finance manufacturing, and build a fandom community. Consumer participation in the pre-launch of products and services is becoming mainstream in consumer behavior trends, according to industry experts.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Scott Hartley: Pre-Tail, E-Tail, to Retail: The New Commerce Pipeline. Retrieved June 6, 2020 .
  2. a b c d e f's May 2013 Trend Briefing covering the consumer trend "PRETAIL". Retrieved June 6, 2020 .
  3. a b c Linh Dao: Why You Should Care About Pre-Commerce Now. November 29, 2016, accessed June 8, 2020 .
  4. Joe Berkowitz: Seth MacFarlane's Dad Couldn't Care Less That He's Hosting The 2013 Academy Awards. October 1, 2012, accessed June 6, 2020 (American English).
  5.'s November 2012 Trend Briefing covering the consumer trend "PRESUMERS". Retrieved June 6, 2020 .