Prix ​​du Quai des Orfèvres

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The Prix ​​du Quai des Orfèvres ([ ˌpʁidyˌkɛdezɔʁ'fɛvrə ]; German: "Preis des Quai des Orfèvres") is a French literary prize that was launched in 1946 by the publisher Jacques Catineau . Catineau, who u. a. Maintained contacts with the police and high officials, wanted to improve the cooperation between them and the lawyers and created the award, with which an as yet unpublished detective novel in French is chosen every year . Since then, the prize has been awarded every year, usually in November, by a jury of around twenty, made up of police officers, judges, lawyers, journalists and filmmakers who have dealt with the world of justice and police. The chairmanship is incumbent on the head of the Paris criminal police. The name of the award is derived from the address of the headquarters of the criminal police, which was at 36 Quai des Orfèvres from 1913 to 2017 .

In the past, the General Secretary of the Prix du Quai des Orfèvres received approx. 60 to 85 anonymous manuscripts with at least 300,000 characters (including spaces) annually by spring, enclosed in sealed envelopes with precise information about the authors. He checked all the manuscripts and selected thirty from them, the number of which decreased to about twelve after further selection rounds. From these, the head of the French publishing house Fayard , which has been awarding the prize since 1966, together with the Secretary General, selected around six anonymous manuscripts, which were examined by the jury for their literary quality. Another criterion here was the precise description of police work and that of the judiciary. A first meeting of the jury took place at the end of September in the form of a working lunch and the members exchanged their views on the proposed anonymous manuscripts. A few days later, the jury was received by the head of the Paris Criminal Police at 36 Quai des Orfèvres, who chose the best detective novel there in a secret ballot. The jury then learned the identity of the winner through the sealed envelope enclosed with the manuscript.

The work selected by the jury will be published by Fayard as a paperback with at least 50,000 copies and an author's contract will be concluded with the winner. On the eve of the novel's publication, since 1947, the Prefect of Police of Paris has unveiled the winner and the title of the novel to the press at a festive cocktail party. The Prix du Quai des Orfèvres is endowed with a symbolic amount of 777 euros . Well-known names such as the science fiction writer Georges-Jean Arnaud , Jacques Laurent , Pierre Magnan and Gérard Delteil , winner of the 1986 Grand Prize of Litterature Policière , are represented among the honored authors of the past decades .

Award winners

year Award winners Novel title German title
1946 Jacques Levert Le Singe rouge
1947 Jean Le Hallier Un certain monsieur ...
1948 Yves Fougères Nuit et brouillard
1949 Francis Didelot L'Assassin au clair de lune
Prize not awarded
1951 Maurice Dekobra Operation Magali Mystery of Magali
1952 Georges-Jean Arnaud ¹ Ne tirez pas sur the inspector
1953 Jacques Laurent² Sophie et le crime The light went out in the stairwell
1954 Alain Serdac & Jean Maurinay Sans effusion de sang
Prize not awarded
1956 Noël Calef Échec au porteur Death in hand
1957 Louis C. Thomas Poison d'Avril
1958 André Gillois 125, rue Montmartre Rue Montmartre 125
1959 Jean Marcillac On ne tue pas pour s'amuser
1960 Remy Le Monocle noir The black monocle
Prize not awarded
1962 Micheline Sandrel Dix millions de témoins
1963 Roland Pidoux On y va, patron? The dark truth
1964 Jean-François Vignat Vertige en eau profonde
1965 Paul Drieux Archives interdites
1966 Julien Clay You sang sur le grand livre The fake
1967 HL Dugall La Porte d'or
1968 Bernard-Paul Lallier Le Saut de l'ange The fall of the black angel
1969 Christian Charrière Dites-le avec des fleurs
1970 Henry Chardot Le Crime du vendredi saint
1971 André Friederich Un mur de 500 briques
1972 Pierre Martin Perreaut Trop, c'est trop! The brilliant plan
Prize not awarded
1974 Michèle Ressi La Mort du Bois de Saint-Ixe
1975 Bernard Matignon Une mort qui fait du bruit
1976 Serge Montigny Une fleur pour mourir
1977 Jacquemard Sénécal Le Crime de la maison green
1978 Pierre Magnan Le Sang des Atrides The room behind the mirror
1979 Julien Vartet Le Déjeuner interrompu
1980 Denis Lacombe In the creux de la main
1981 Michel Dansel De la part de Barbara With last greetings from Barbara
1982 Hélène Pasquier Coup double
1983 Maurice Périsset Périls en la demeure
1984 Jean Lamborelle On écrase bien les vipères
1985 Roger Labrusse Les Crimes du Bon Dieu
1986 Michel de Roy Sûreté urbaine
1987 Nicole Buffetaut Le Mystère des petits lavoirs
1988 François Lantrade Un agent très secret
1989 Godefroy Hofer Plongée de nuit
1990 Suzanne Le Viguelloux La mort au noir
1991 Frédéric Hoë Crimes en trompe l'œil
1992 Louis-Marie Brézac Raid sur l'antique
1993 Gérard Delteil Pieces détachées
1994 Jean-Louis Viot Une belle garce
1995 Michel Gastine Quai de la Rapée
1996 Gilbert Schlogel Rage de flic
1997 Roger Le Taillanter Heures d'angoisse
1998 Michel Sibra La danse du soleil
1999 André Delabarre You sang sur les roses
2000 André Arnaud Pierres de sang
2001 Guy Langlois Le fond de l'âme effraie
2002 André Klopmann Crève, l'écran
2003 Jérôme Jarrige Le bandit n'était pas manchot
2004 Sylvie M. Jema Les Sarments d'Hippocrate
2005 Jules Grasset Les violons du diable
2006 Christelle Maurin L'ombre du soleil You have her name
2007 Frédérique Molay La 7e femme The seventh wife
2008 PJ Lambert Le Vengeur des catacombes
2009 Christophe Guillaumot Chasse à l'homme
2010 Gilbert Gallerne Au pays des ombres
2011 Claude Ragon You bois pour les cercueils
2012 Pierre Borromée L'hermine était pourpre
2013 Danielle Thiéry The clous dans le coeur
2014 Hervé Jourdain Le Sang de la trahison
2015 Maryse Rivière Tromper la mort
2016 Lionel Olivier Le crime était signé
2017 Pierre Pouchairet Mortels trafics
2018 Sylvain Forge Tension extreme

¹ = In 1952 Georges-Jean Arnaud's victorious novel was published under the pseudonym Saint Gilles .
² = In 1953 Jacques Laurent's victorious novel was published under the pseudonym Cécil Saint-Laurent .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Historique du Prix du quai des Orfèvres. In: . Retrieved August 8, 2018 (French).