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A pronunciamiento (from the Spanish pronunciar ' to pronounce') describes a coup that occurred repeatedly in Spain and Latin America in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Procedure of a pronunciamientos

A senior officer made a public appeal against the government's policies and called on all citizens to join in his demands. Thereupon he marched towards the capital with at least some of the troops under his command. Leading officers in other cities supported the call. In order to avoid a civil war or his capture, a leading member of the royal house or the government responded to the demands of the rioters. It was not absolutely necessary for the initiator of the pronunciamientos to be involved in the new government. The goals of a pronunciamientos could usually be achieved by taking measures at short notice.

If not enough supporters followed the officer's appeal, the pronunciamiento had failed and the initiator tried to flee abroad.

Examples of pronunciamientos in Spain

The Pronunciamiento de Elío is considered the first Pronunciamiento . When Ferdinand VII was on his way from exile in France to Madrid in March 1814, he met in Valencia on the one hand a representative of the Regency with the Constitution of Cádiz , on the other hand an absolutist MP who gave him a manifesto written by 69 members of parliament . This manifesto is known as the Persian Manifesto because of the historical comparisons it contains. On April 17th, General Francisco Javier de Elío called on the king to exercise his rights in accordance with the Persian Manifesto. He pointed to his troops, who would be ready to carry out the will of the king if he would decide in the interests of the general. Due to the circumstances and because it probably suited him more, the king decided against the constitution of 1812. In the course of the changes brought about by the Pronunciamiento del Riegos, General Elío was executed or lynched in 1822.

The pronunciamiento of Rafael del Riego was the beginning of the Trienio Liberal . It resulted in the 1812 constitution being reintroduced in 1820. The end of the Trienio Liberal was triggered by the fact that the French military brought about a reversal of political conditions and the execution of the main initiator of the Pronunciamientos Rafael del Riego.

The reign of Queen Isabella II was marked by Pronunciamientos from 1836 until she went into exile, but the revolution of 1868 was originally a naval uprising, not an army coup. The end of the First Republic can also be traced back to a pronunciamiento.

Outwardly, the end of the Second Republic looked like a pronunciamiento in the initial phase. There was a statement from senior military officials opposed to government policies. The declaration and the demands of the putschists went far beyond a change of policy. They called for a change in the system and a withdrawal of the social reforms that had been initiated. In addition, there was no sign of giving in on either side.

The failed coup on February 23, 1981 against the democratic government of Adolfo Suárez is also known as Pronunciamiento.


  • Luis A. Andregnette Capurro: Francisco Javier de Elio. Honor y Fidelidad. Ediciones Nueva Hispanidad, Buenos Aires 2007, ISBN 978-987-1036-35-6 .
  • Thilo Jens Wittenberg: Courage and honor. The professional, ideological and political development of the Spanish officer corps in the 19th century (1808–1908). Diss. Freiburg (Breisgau) 1995, ( online (PDF; 1.6 MB) ).


  1. s: es: Manifiesto de los Persas