Pseudoclanis postica

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Pseudoclanis postica
Preparation of Pseudoclanis postica

Preparation of Pseudoclanis postica

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Swarmers (Sphingidae)
Subfamily : Smerinthinae
Genre : Pseudoclanis
Type : Pseudoclanis postica
Scientific name
Pseudoclanis postica
( Walker , 1856)

Pseudoclanis Postica is a butterfly ( moth ) from the family of moth (Sphingidae).


The moths have a fore wing length of 33 to 50 millimeters. They are yellowish-brown, greenish or greyish-white, with the forewings having a more or less pronounced light brown banding. The ocher-yellow hind wings have a large black spot at the base and a series of black spots submarginally, which occasionally merge into one another and then form a continuous black band. There is a brown line in the middle of the thorax . The species is very variable and many different forms have been described.

The caterpillars have a pale blue-green, triangular head, which is colored white or yellowish-white at the corners. The grainy body is whitish-green at the top with a green center line. The sides of the body are colored more vividly green. In some animals a pale dorso-lateral line is formed. A pale yellow diagonal stripe runs along the last segment of the body and extends to the belly of the segment in front of it. This stripe is partially bordered in red. Further yellow diagonal stripes can be formed laterally. The spiracles are pale bluish, fine blue dots are also on the last segment of the body. The pusher is edged in red, the long anal horn is patterned green and pink.

distribution and habitat

The species is widespread and very common in many parts of Africa. It colonizes open habitats and forests with favorable temperatures.

Food of the caterpillars

The caterpillars feed on mulberries ( Morus ), figs ( Ficus ), Chaetacme , Chlorophora , Loranthus , Trema , hackberry trees ( Celtis ), mistletoe ( Viscum ) and Duranta erecta .

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Mike Picker, Charles Griffiths, Alan Weaving: Field Guide to Insects of South Africa . New Holland Publishers, 2004, ISBN 978-1770070615 .
  2. ^ RH Carcasson: Revised Catalog of the African Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) with Descriptions of the East African species. EW Classey Ltd 1976: pp. 25-26
  3. a b c d Elliot Pinhey : Hawk Moths of Central and Southern Africa , Longmans Southern Africa, Cape Town 1962.


  • Mike Picker, Charles Griffiths, Alan Weaving: Field Guide to Insects of South Africa . New Holland Publishers, 2004, ISBN 978-1770070615 .
  • Elliot Pinhey: Hawk Moths of Central and Southern Africa , Longmans Southern Afrika, Cape Town 1962.

Web links

Commons : Pseudoclanis postica  - collection of images, videos and audio files