Psi Islands

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Psi Islands
Waters Dallmann Bay
archipelago Melchior Islands ( Palmer Archipelago , West Antarctica )
Geographical location 64 ° 18 ′  S , 63 ° 0 ′  W Coordinates: 64 ° 18 ′  S , 63 ° 0 ′  W
Psi Islands (Antarctic Peninsula)
Psi Islands

The Psi Islands are a group of small islands in the Palmer Archipelago west of the Antarctic Peninsula . In the group of the Melchior Islands they are located near the west coast of the Lambda Island .

The name of the islands, which is borrowed from the Greek letter Psi , can be found for the first time on maps from 1946, which were created in the course of surveying work by Argentine expeditions in 1942 and 1943. In Argentina they are also known as Islotes Ballesteros and Islotes Lamadrid . The namesake are probably members of the Argentine Antarctic expeditions in 1953 and 1957.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ John Stewart: Antarctica - An Encyclopedia . Vol. 2, McFarland & Co., Jefferson and London 2011, ISBN 978-0-7864-3590-6 , p. 1258 (English).