Ptilophorus dufouri

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Ptilophorus dufouri
Ptilophorus dufouri, male

Ptilophorus dufouri , male

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Fan beetle (Rhipiphoridae)
Genre : Ptilophorus
Type : Ptilophorus dufouri
Scientific name
Ptilophorus dufouri
( Latreille , 1817)

Ptilophorus dufouri is a beetle from the family of subjects beetle , which in Europe only fifteen species is represented. Ptilophorus dufouri is the only species of the genus Ptilophorus and this is the only genus of the subfamily Ptilophorinae.

The species name dufouri honors the French doctor and naturalist Léon Dufour . The genus name Ptilophorus is from Altgr. πτίλον "ptílon" for "down feather" and φορός "phorós" for "carrying" derived.

Characteristics of the beetle

The black to pitch brown elongated beetle has dense, light gray or yellowish gray elongated hairs and therefore appears more or less light. It is four to ten millimeters long. It narrows slightly towards the rear in the females, but clearly in the males.

The male's forehead is depressed and hairy brown, while the female's forehead is smooth in the middle. In the female, the eleven-link antennae are weakly serrated. In the male, the third antennae is widened like a thorn towards the front, the following eight limbs have long, lamellar appendages that form a frond. It can be spread like a fan. The eyes are strongly rimmed, almost divided into two parts. The upper jaw ends in a sickle shape and has a tooth in front of it. Like the three-part lip probe, the four-part jaw probe has a spindle-shaped end member.

The bell-shaped pronotum has clearly drawn out rear corners. It is indented in front of the base of the wing covers. He has a rather indistinct longitudinal groove.

The mostly brown elytra are finely dotted with wrinkles . They completely cover the abdomen, do not gape and are rounded together at the end. They have several flat longitudinal keels. The label is black.

The tarsi of the first two pairs of legs are five-limbed, those of the hind legs have only four limbs (tarsi formula 5-5-4). The rails have two end pins. The claws are combed tightly.


In Spain the adults appear from March to June with a clear maximum in April. They are diurnal. The males swarm relatively slowly close to the ground. They are reported both from areas with tree cover and from dry areas with little cover. The species is therefore not demanding in terms of the biotope. Almost nothing is known about reproductive biology. About the more well-known species of the family it is reported that, like the related oil beetles, the first larval stage is mobile, the following ones live parasitically. In Ptilophorus dufuri , a hymenoptera is assumed to be the host ; according to an older source, the larva probably lives in the burrows of rodent beetles in conifers .


The occurrence of the species is limited within Europe to southern Europe and southern Central Europe. The beetle is also found in North Africa. To the east, the distribution area extends to Armenia and the Caucasus .


Individual evidence

  1. Ptilophorus at Fauna Europaea. Retrieved February 3, 2012
  2. ID no. 191915, 191923, 191880, 191883, 191885, 191807, 191826, 191801, 191912 of Fauna Europaea accessed on February 3, 2012
  3. Sigmund Schenkling: Explanation of the scientific beetle names.
  4. a b c Francisco Español Coll: "Los Represantes Catalanes de la familia Rhipophoridae (Col.)" Anales de la Escuela de Peritos Agrícolas y Superior de Agricultura y de los Servicios Técnicos de Agricultura, Any: 1942 Vol .: 2 Núm .: 4 as PDF
  5. a b c J.I. López-Colón, P. Bahillo de la Pueblo: "Primera cita de Ptilophorus dufouri para el quadrante noroccidental ibérico" Bol. SEA No. 27 (2000); 35-37 as PDF
  6. Heinz Freude , Karl Wilhelm Harde , Gustav Adolf Lohse (ed.): Die Käfer Mitteleuropas . tape 8 . Teredilia Heteromera Lamellicornia . Elsevier, Spektrum, Akademischer Verlag, Munich 1969, ISBN 3-8274-0682-X .

Web links

Commons : Ptilophorus dufouri  - collection of images, videos and audio files