Publius Sempronius Sophus (Consul 268 BC)

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Publius Sempronius Sophus was a member of the Roman family of the Sempronians and was born in 268 BC. Chr. Consul and 252 BC Chr. Censor .


Publius Sempronius Sophus was the son of the consul of the same name from 304 BC. Chr.

268 BC Chr. Sophus received the consulate together with Appius Claudius Russus . Since the Picentes had instigated an uprising in the previous year, the consuls fought this people and subjugated them, with Sophus contributing more than his counterpart to the victory. Nevertheless, both consuls were able to celebrate a triumph . Sophus allegedly swore to build a sanctuary for the goddess Tellus when an earthquake struck during the decisive battle, but the Temple of Tellus is believed by other sources to be much older. During the Consulate of Sophus, Roman colonies were also established in Ariminum and Beneventum .

Together with Manius Valerius Maximus Corvinus Messalla , Sophus entered 252 BC. The censorship and in this capacity displayed great severity. He and his colleague excluded 16 senators from the Senate . In addition, the censors had 400 knights who had disregarded military instructions in Sicily , take away their state horse and downgraded them to the class of aerarians . Sophus is said to have been just as ruthless towards his wife and punished her with repudiation for attending a funeral service without his knowledge and watching fencing games held.



  1. Fasti Capitolini : Publius Sempronius Sophus P. f. P. n.
  2. Triumphal Acts; Eutropius 2:16 ; Florus 1, 14, 2; Orosius 4, 4, 5ff .; Livy , periochae 15; see. Frontinus , Strategemata 1, 12, 3 (this author erroneously gives the name Titus Sempronius Gracchus ).
  3. ^ Livius, periochae 15; Velleius 1, 14, 7; Eutropius 2, 16.
  4. ^ Livy, periochae 18; Valerius Maximus 2, 9, 7.
  5. Valerius Maximus 6: 3, 12; Plutarch , Quaestiones Romanae 14.