
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sempronius (feminine form Sempronia ) was the gentile name of the gens Sempronia , the Sempronians , an old family of the Roman Empire . Your members of the 5th century BC In the tradition they were considered patricians and defenders of patrician privileges ( Dion. Hal. Ant. 10.41.5; 10.42.3 ), which is possibly a back projection, because under Caesar or Augustus the Sempronians achieved patrician status.

In historical times, only plebeian branches of the family are known in the republic , dating back to the 3rd century BC. BC and 2nd century BC Played an important role.

A captain Sempronius became famous for being so impressed by their courage in faith that he took the place of one of those who were tied and was killed when he had 40 Christians tied to stakes on a cold night under the reign of Emperor Licinius .


The following branches of the family belonged to the Sempronians:

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