Publius Sextilius Felix

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Publius Sextilius Felix was a member of the Roman knighthood ( Eques ) living in the 1st century AD . Tacitus mentions Sextilius Felix in two places in the Historiae .

Sextilius Felix was appointed governor ( procurator ) of the province of Noricum after Vitellius' victory over Otho in 69 , but passed over to Vespasian's side in the course of the Four Emperor's year . According to Tacitus, he first secured Noricum along the Inn with eight cohorts and the Ala Auriana for Vespasian. Later he participated with auxiliary units from his province in the suppression of the Batavian uprising . By military diplomas that are dated 8 September 79, there is evidence that Sextilius Felix had 79 governors in Noricum in the year.

From an inscription found in the province of Africa , a Publius Sextilius Publi filius Arnensis Felix is known, who was probably a close relative. Sextilius Felix therefore possibly came from Africa.



  1. According to Peter Weiß , the long term of office of Sextilius Felix was due to the necessity of the military reorganization and the civil development of the province of Noricum .

Individual evidence

  1. Military diplomas from the year 79 ( RMM 00003 , ZPE-146-239 ).
  2. a b Peter Weiß : Two complete constitutions for the troops in Noricum (Sept. 8, 79) and Pannonia inferior (Sept. 27, 154) In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik , Volume 146 (2004), pp. 239-254 , here pp. 243–245 ( online ).
  3. Inscription ( CIL 8, 14731 )