Puerto Octay

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Puerto Octay
Coordinates: 40 ° 50 ′  S , 72 ° 54 ′  W
Map: Los Lagos
Puerto Octay
Puerto Octay on the Los Lagos map
Basic data
Country Chile
region Región de los Lagos
City foundation December 22, 1891
Residents 8999  (2017)
City insignia
Bandera Puerto Octay.jpg
Escudo de Puerto Octay.svg
Detailed data
surface 1796 km²
Population density 0.01 inhabitants / km 2
height 250  m
Time zone UTC −4
City Presidency Maria Elena Ojeda (UDI)
Puerto Octay
Puerto Octay

Puerto Octay is a village with about 9000 inhabitants (2017) in the south of Chile in the Región de los Lagos (Region X).

The village is located on the north shore of Lake Llanquihue near the Centinela peninsula . With around 860 square kilometers, it is the second largest lake in Chile. If you look to the east, you can see the mighty Volcán Osorno , the summit of which is 2652 meters above sea level.

Puerto Octay is a strongly German city with many buildings from around 1910 that follow a German architectural tradition.


From 1852, German immigrants settled the area around Lake Llanquihue. Today's Puerto Octay was founded by them in that year and was initially called Puerto Muñoz Gamero. It has had its current name since 1859.

On December 22, 1891, Puerto Octay commune was officially established. It owes its name to one of its first residents. Cristino Ochs, of German descent, owned a shop that became a synonym for the place: the expression “Donde Ochs hay” (“Where there are ox”) changed to Octay.


Tourism is the main economic pillar of Puerto Octay. The place serves as a starting point for excursions around Lake Llanquihue and the Volcán Osorno. Several beaches on Lake Llanquihue around Puerto Octay are popular with tourists in summer.

The Museum Museo El Colono documents the German settlement from the middle of the 19th century. The Galpón Museum shows the history of the indigenous people.

There is intensive agriculture in the area, sometimes with large livestock. Forestry and fishing are other economic factors.

From Puerto Octay ships sail daily across the lake to Puerto Varas . From here you can easily reach the capital of the Puerto Montt region .

Web links

Commons : Puerto Octay  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files