Blown away

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Pustefix (70 ml can)
Pustefix advertising
Child creates soap bubbles with a Pustefix can
Adult creates soap bubbles; the typical blow ring (so-called blow ring ) made of yellow, red or green plastic is easy to see

Pustefix is a brand of Dr. Rolf Hein GmbH & Co. KG , based in Tübingen, for the toys it produces, which consist of a ready-to-use solution for making soap bubbles in a can and a plastic blow ring.


Pustefix is ​​sold in a blue plastic tube with a yellow teddy bear printed on it , to whose unscrewable yellow, red or green lid the blow ring, which stores liquid through numerous transverse grooves, is attached with a stick.

The toy, which is manufactured by 25 employees (2015), can be purchased in German-speaking countries in practically all toy stores and in many supermarkets. Around 700,000 liters of liquid are filled every year. It is exported to the USA, Russia, Japan, China and Korea, among others. The export share is 50%.

In addition to the standard product that has been manufactured millions of times, there are a number of special shapes such as a plastic toy trumpet that ejects soap bubbles, push animals or soap bubble machines. For more demanding experiments there is an experiment kit in cooperation with Kosmos . A large corrugated ring with a diameter of about 15 cm, angled handle and a matching immersion bowl allows comparatively large soap bubbles to be generated by pulling with the hand in stagnant air or in a gentle breeze.

The main target group are 3 to 10 year old children and their entertainers, such as clowns .


The mixture was developed in the 1950s, when Rolf Hein produced small amounts of laundry detergents in Kilchberg , a suburb of Tübingen, in the post-war period , and when experimenting, instead of fine foam, large shimmering soap bubbles were created.

Originally the solution was sold in an aluminum can with a content of 42 or 70 milliliters and was closed with a cork in which a fine cylindrical spring, bent into an oval, was inserted as a blow ring.

In 1973 the son of Rolf Hein, Gerold Peter Hein, took over the management of the company. He reacted to the shrinking of the main target group due to the decline in the birth rate in Germany by systematically opening up export markets.

The Rolf W. Hein group of companies has been managed by the founder's grandson, Frank Wolfgang Hein, since 1998. On January 1, 2011, the Salzburg Stadlbauer Group became the new owner of Dr. Rolf Hein GmbH & Co. KG, which should further strengthen the international expansion. The management remained in the hands of Rolf W. Hein, while sales and export were taken over by Stadlbauer.

Other brand names

The group of companies also sells the Stubbles brand , which comes from bubbles & beyond GmbH . These are stable soap bubbles that do not burst even when touched.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Steve Przybilla: The long flight of the soap bubble., March 12, 2015, accessed on March 12, 2015 .
  2. Hermann Simon mentions the Dr. Rolf Hein GmbH & Co. KG in his book of the same name as an example of a " hidden champion ". (Hidden champions of the 21st century: The strategies for success of unknown world market leaders. Frankfurt a. M .: Campus, 2007. - ISBN 978-3-593-38380-4 . P. 98)
  3. Florian Langenscheidt , Bernd Venohr (Hrsg.): Lexicon of German world market leaders. The premier class of German companies in words and pictures . German Standards Editions, Cologne 2010, ISBN 978-3-86936-221-2 .


Web links

Commons : Pustefix  - collection of images, videos and audio files