Qal'a-ye Islam, qalb-e Asiya

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قلعه اسلام قلب اسیا
transcription Qal'a-ye Islam, qalb-e Asiya
Alternative title Soroud-e-Melli (Persian
سرود ملی "national anthem")
Title in German Fortress of Islam, Heart of Asia
country Afghanistan Islamic State 1992Afghanistan Afghanistan
Usage period 1992-2006
text unknown
melody Ustad Qasim
Sheet of music GIF
Audio files Vowel , midi

Qal'a-ye Islam, qalb-e Asiya ( Persian قلعه اسلام قلب اسیا Qal'a-ye islām, qalb-e Āsiya , "fortress of Islam, heart of Asia") was the national anthem of Afghanistan from 1992 to 2006 .


The national anthem was originally a originating from the 1919 battle song of the Mujahideen and became after their victory over the Soviet-backed government Najibullah accepted. After the Taliban conquered Afghanistan, their use was banned (presumably in 1999) as a result of the general music ban. In the internationally recognized government of the so-called Northern Alliance in Faizabad , the song remained the national anthem, while there was no national anthem in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan . After the fall of the Taliban in 2002, the song once again (temporarily) became the national anthem of all of Afghanistan . When the new Afghan constitution came into force in 2004, it prescribed a newly created national anthem for the “new Afghanistan”, which had to contain the names of all ethnic groups in Afghanistan and the formula “Allahu Akbar”. This new anthem Milli Tharana was finally adopted in May 2006.

Original Persian (Dari) text

قلعه اسلام قلب اسیا جاویدان
ازاد خاک اریا
زادگاه قهرمانان دلیر
سنگررزمنده مردان خدا
الله اکبر الله اکبرالله اکبر الله اکبر
بنداستبدادراازهم گسست
تیغ ایمانش به میدان جهاد
ملت ازاده افغانستان
در جهان زنجیرمحکومان شکست
الله اکبرالله اکبرالله اکبر الله اکبر
پرچم ایمان به بام مابود
سرخط قران نظام ما بود
وحدت ملی مرام مابود
همصداوهمنواباهم روان
الله اکبرالله اکبرالله اکبر الله اکبر
ای خدا وطن درنورقانون
شادزی ازادزی ابادزی
مردم سرگشته راشورهنما
مشعل ازادگی رابرفراز


Qal'a-ye Islam, qalb-e Asiya,
Jawidan azad khak-e Ariya,
Zadgah-e qahramanan-e bozorg,
Sangar-e razmande-ye mardan-e khoda
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar.

Tigh-e imanash be meydan-e jihad,
Band-e estebdad-ra az ham gozast
Mellat-e azade Afghanistan
Dar jehan zanjir-e mahkuman shekest.
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar.

Sar-e khatt-e qur'an nizam-e ma bowad,
Parcham-e iman be bam-e ma bowad,
Ham seda o-ham nawa ba ham rawan,
Wahdat-emelli muram-e ma bowad.
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar.

Shad zey, azad zey, abad zey,
Ey watan dar nur-e qanun-e khoda.
Mash'al-e azadegi-ra bar firaz,
Mardom-e sar-goshte-ra shou rahnama.
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar.

German translation

Fortress of Islam, heart of Asia
Free forever, soil of the Aryans
Birthplace of the greatest heroes
Companion of God's men God
is great! God is great! God is great!

Arrow of his faith into the arena of jihad
Removes the fetters of oppression
The nation of freedom Afghanistan
Breaks the chains of the oppressed / oppressed
God is great! God is great! God is great!

Let the lines of the Koran be our commands
Let the flag of faith be on our roof
With the echoes and the voices
coming together Let the national association be what we strive for
God is great! God is great! God is great!

Live happily, live freely, live and flourish / flourish
Oh homeland in the light of God's laws,
raise the light / lamp of freedom, become the
leader of the oppressed / oppressed people
God is great! God is great! God is great!

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