Schahe ghajur-o-mehrabane ma

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Schahe ghajur-o-mehrabane ma
transcription Schahe ghajur-o-mehrabane ma
Alternative title Soroud-e-Melli (Persian سرود ملی "national anthem")
Title in German Our brave and dear king
country Afghanistan Kingdom 1931Afghanistan Afghanistan
Usage period 1943-1973
text Mohammed Makhtar
melody Mohammed Farukh
Sheet of music GIF
Audio files Instrumental (MP3; 360 kB), MIDI

Schahe ghajur-o-mehrabane ma ( Persian "Our brave and dear king") was the national anthem of Afghanistan from 1943 to 1973 .


The national anthem was adopted in 1943 and replaced the previous royal anthem without a title or text. Because of her connection to the king , she was replaced after his fall in 1973 .

Original Persian text

شاه غیور و ما مهربان ای
هستیم از جان مطیع شما
ما فرزندان توییم
ما فداکار توییم
ای شاه ما
ای شاه ما
ای شاه ملتخواه ما


Schahe ghajur-o-mehrabane ma
Hastem as djan moti-e-schoma
Ma farsandane tu im!
Ma feda kare tu im.
Egg Schahe ma
Egg Schahe ma
Egg Schahe mellat cha-e-ma!

German translation

Our brave and dear King,
We are faithfully your followers.
We are your sons!
We are ready to sacrifice to you.
Oh our King!
Oh our King!
Oh, our people-loving king!

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