Milli Tharana

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دا وطن افغانستان دی
transcription Milli Tharāna
Alternative title Soroud-e-Melli (Persian سرود ملی
"National Anthem")
Title in German National anthem
country AfghanistanAfghanistan Afghanistan
Usage period 2006 - today
text Abdul Bari Jahani
melody Babrak Wassa
Sheet of music PDF
Audio files Vowel (MP3; 2.7 MB), instrumental (MP3; 1.8 MB), MIDI

Milli Tharana ( Pashtun ملي تـﺮانه Milli Tharāna "National Anthem ") has been the national anthem of Afghanistan since 2006 .


After the rule of the Taliban was created for the "new Afghanistan" a new national anthem, in accordance with a provision of the new Afghan constitution , the names of all ethnic groups in Afghanistan and the formula Allahu Akbar (God is the Greatest) be included had to. After a competition, Milli Tharana was declared the official national anthem in May 2006 .


The new national anthem has been criticized several times: The Pashtun language would marginalize other nationalities, and the text still does not name all ethnic groups in the country . According to devout Muslims , the formula Allāhu Akbar should not appear in a song.

Text versions

Milli Tharana
Original Pashtun text Transliteration German translation
1st verse

دا وطن افغانستان دى
دا عزت د هر افغان دى
كور د سولې ، كور د تورې
هر بچى يې قهرمان دى

Dā watan Afγānistān dai,
dā izat də har Afγān dai
Kor də sule, kor də ture,
har bačai ye qahramān dai

This land is Afghanistan,
it is the pride of all Afghans,
The land of peace, the land of the sword,
All his sons are brave.

2nd stanza

دا وطن د ټولو كور دى
د بلوڅو ، د ازبكو
پــښــتــنو او هزاراو
د تركمنو ، د تاجكو

Dā watan də ttolo kor dai,
də Balotso, də Uzbəko
Pax̌tano aw Hazārāo,
də Turkməno, də Tāǰəko

The land of all tribes,
land of the Baluch and Uzbeks ,
Pashtuns and Hazara ,
Turkmen and Tajiks .

3rd stanza

ور سره عرب ، ګوجر دي
پاميريان ، نورستانيان
براهوي دي ، قزلباش دي
هم ايماق ، هم پشايان

Wər sara Arəb, Guǰər di,
Pāmiryān, Nuristānyān
Brāhuwi di, Qizilbāsh di,
ham Aimāq, ham Pašāyān

With them, Arabs and Gojaren ,
inhabitants of the Pamir , Nuristani ,
Barahawi and Qizilbasch ,
also aimaq people and Paschaye .

4th stanza

دا هيواد به تل ځلېږي
لكه لمر پر شنه آسمان
په سينې كې د آسيا به
لكه زړه وي جاويدان

Dā hiwād ba təl dzaleγ̌i,
ləka lmar pər šnə āsmān
Pə sine ke də Āsyā ba,
ləka zrrə wi ǰāwidān

This land will shine forever
like the sun in the blue sky.
In the chest of Asia
it will be forever present as a heart.

5th stanza

نوم د حق مو دى رهبر
وايو الله اكبر
وايو الله اكبر
وايو الله اكبر

Num də haq mo dai rahbar,
Wāyu Allāhu Akbar,
Wāyu Allāhu Akbar,
Wāyu Allāhu Akbar

We follow the one God,
We all say: God is greatest,
We all say: God is greatest,
We all say: God is greatest.

Web links