Anthem of the Russian Federation

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Гимн Российской Федерации
transcription Gimn Rossijskoi Federazii
Title in German Anthem of the Russian Federation
country RussiaRussia Russia
Usage period since December 30, 2000
text Sergei Mikhalkov
melody Alexander Wassiljewitsch Alexandrow
Sheet of music Sheet music on Wikimedia Commons
Audio files

The Anthem of the Russian Federation ( Russian Гимн Российской Федерации / Gimn Rossijskoi Federazii ) has been the official national anthem of the Russian Federation since December 30, 2000 . The text of the song was composed by Sergei Mikhalkov . The melody comes from Alexander Alexandrow .

Performance of the anthem of the Russian Federation on the inauguration of Russian President Medvedev in 2008, part of the official video, Presidential Orchestra


The Anthem of the Russian Federation has the same melody as the Anthem of the Soviet Union . The text of the song was rewritten by its original author Sergej Michalkow, who had also composed the lyrics of the Soviet anthem.

In the period between the collapse of the Soviet Union and 2000, the patriotic song, without text, and therefore not very popular or perceived as uninspiring, was the official national anthem. Many people, including internationally active Russian athletes, protested because they would have liked to sing the anthem. In 2000, President Vladimir Putin reintroduced the hymn of the former Soviet Union, as mentioned above with a new text.

The first official date of the anthem was when President Putin took office in the Kremlin .


Sheet music of the hymn (Version 2001)
audio sample ? / I ) audio sample MP3Audio file / audio sample

Russian version

Cyrilliza transcription IPA phonetic transcription

Россия - священная наша держава,
Россия - любимая наша страна.
Могучая воля, великая слава -
Твоё достоянье на все времена!

? Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная мдударяннар!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся тобой! ?

От южных морей до полярного края
Раскинулись наши леса и поля.
Одна ты на свете! Одна ты такая -
Хранимая Богом родная земля!


Широкий простор для мечты и для жизни
Грядущие нам открывают года.
Нам силу даёт наша верность Отчизне.
Так было, так есть и так будет всегда!


Rossija - svyashchennaya nascha derschawa,
Rossija - ljubimaja nascha strana.
Mogutschaja volja, welikaja slawa
Twojo dostojanje na wsje wremena!

Slavsja, Otetschestvo nasche swobodnoje,
Bratskich narodow soyus wekowoi,
Predkami dannaja mudrost narodnaja!
Slavsja, strana! My gordimsja toboi!

Ot yuschnych morej do polyarnowo kraja
Raskinulis naschi lessa i polja.
Odna ty na swete! Odna ty takaja -
Chranimaja Bogom rodnaja semlja!


Shiroki prostor dlja metschty i dlja
schizni , Grjadushschie nam otkryvajut goda.
Nam silu dajot nascha wernost Ottschisne.
Tak bylo, tak jest i tak budet wsegda!


[rɐsʲijə svʲɪɕːɛnːəjə naʂə dʲɪrʐavə]
[rɐsʲijə lʲʉbʲiməjə naʂə strɐna]
[mɐɡutɕɪjə volʲə vʲɪlʲikəjə slavə]
[tvɐjɵ dəstɐjænʲjə nɐ fsʲɛ vrʲɪmʲɪna]

? [slafʲsʲə ɐtʲetɕɪstvə naʂɨ svɐbodnəjə]
[bratskʲɪx nɐrodəf sɐjus vʲɪkɐvoj]
[prʲɛtkəmʲɪ danːəjə mudrəsʲtʲ nɐrodnəjə]
[slafʲsʲə strɐna mɨ ɡɐrdʲimsʲə tɐboj] ?

[ɐt juʐnɨx mɐrʲej də pɐlʲarnəvə krajə]
[rɐskʲinʊlʲɪsʲ naʂɨ lʲɪsa i pɐlʲa]
[ɐdna tɨ nɐ svʲetʲɪ ɐdna tɨ takəjə]
[xrɐnʲiməjə boɡəm rɐdnajə zʲɪmlʲa]


[ʂɨrokʲɪj prɐstor DLA mʲɪtɕtɨ i DLA ʐɨzʲnʲɪ]
[ɡrʲɪduɕːɪjə nam ɐtkrɨˈvajʊt ɡɐˈda]
[ˈnam ˈsʲilʊ dɐˈjɵt ˈnaʂə ˈvʲɛrnəsʲtʲ ɐˈtɕːizʲnʲɪ]
[ˈtaɡ ˈbɨlə ˈtak ˈjesʲtʲ ˈi ˈtaɡ ˈbudʲɪt fsʲɪɡˈda] [prʲɪˈpʲefʲɪt fsʲɪɡˈda]

[prʲɪˈpʲefʲɪt fsʲɪɡˈda]

German translation

1st verse
Russia, our sacred power,
Russia, our beloved country.
Mighty will and great fame
Your possession forever.
You are glorious, our free fatherland,
The centuries-old covenant of the fraternal peoples,
Wisdom of the people given by ancestors!
The land be praised! We are proud of you!
2nd stanza
From the southern seas to the polar region
Our forests and fields extend.
You are unique in the world!
You are unique, your home earth protected by God!
3rd stanza
A wide space for dreams and life
The years to come open up to us.
Loyalty to our fatherland gives us strength.
So it was, so it is, and so it always will be.

Individual evidence

  1. Retrieved November 23, 2011; archived on July 21, 2012.
  2. Federal Constitutional Law on the National Anthem of the Russian Federation; December 25, 2000; accessed on January 27, 2015.
  3. Consulate-General of the Russian Federation in Montreal, Canada. Archived on September 7, 2012; accessed on March 31, 2010.
  4. a b Указ Президента Российской Федера10 .ции от 21.12 . Archived on June 4, 2011; Retrieved December 20, 2009.

See also